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//After the results of my poll and some private opinions from some of you guys, I've decided to start working on my own saved file! I'll be „renovating” Willow Creek for now, but I also started to work on Strangerville as well- Willow Creek will be like a small town, but with different types of buildings for people with different financial statuses, overall shaped and decorated like a town somewhere near a forest, in a rural area (if any of you watched Sex Education, that's pretty much the vibe that I'm aiming for). And for Strangerville, for my apocalypse-lovers, the overall vibe for the town will be post-apocalyptic 💣 I've got many more ideas for other worlds, but I'll be finishing these 2 before doing anything else, cause Willow Creek is a pretty big world (21 lots) 😅

And, of course, I'll be giving you sims/households for every home~

So here's a little preview of what I have so far: 3 houses done (one will be an abandoned home turned into a nightclub by some students), a work in progress for a water park, and I've got 2 more houses that I'm currently working on (just started them so I didn't take any pics of them, but they're a house on a lake, a frat house and a modern, pink-ish one), aaand some sims~



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