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New character has dropped! She doesn't have a plushie of her own but I still think she came out pretty neat! :)

I've had the idea of giving Mathilda an evil doppelganger of sorts and this is the result!
I hope you welcome her to the Mathilda-verse with open arms :)

"Born from a cursed cenote that Mathilda was once tossed into,

Cordelia is the manifestation of all of Mathilda's negative traits. 

When she first set foot out from the cave she was just an empty

shell, but for every day that passed she started to grow into a

more cruel and sinister person. She possesses all of Mathilda's 

physical skills and characteristics, but none of her memories.

Unlike Mathilda, she quickly grew fond of firearms and became a 

skilled marksman and a feared outlaw. Months later, she would 

meet Mathilda and become consumed with anger, believing her to 

be a pale imitation and declaring that the world isn't big 

enough for them both."

"Since then, her goal has been to get rid of Mathilda

Jade once and for all."



Kirk Findlay

Was about to say she looked like Mathilda, but she literally is an evil Mathilda. Cool stuff.... and hot too... and she was created before she lost her tail. That's why she thinks she is the better of the two, just that.


OOoooh she's gonna be fun! >:3