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Hey everyone!
I've been thinking about making this change for a good while now and I think I've come to the decision that it's probably the best move.
Starting today, all the art packs and similar stuff that were locked behind the $20 tier will be available for Tier 2 and above.
This may or may not benefit me as much financially, but I'd rather not overcharge you guys for stuff like that when I barely keep up on it. THAT SAID I do think loosening the price and putting art pack stuff on the same grounds as early access art will make it less intimidating to start making pictures for an art pack.
(Also all that stuff gets way cheaper too so that's really nice c: )

If you are pledging $20 a month, first of all, I thank you! But I'll have to ask you a favor and quickly change tier. I'll remove the $20 tier once the pledger count has taken a much-desired dive.

That was all! Hope you have a great day! :)


Kirk Findlay

Message recieved and lowered. Thanks for the heads up and generously giving more for less.