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Hi guys! Next month we will have two updates again. You will clear your doubts about what Hana was doing. Also, the mandatory beach episode!

Sadly, the main story will not last forever, we are around 2/3rd of the story, but it will end in a cool climax. We still have the Extra stories so it's Ok.

Next month I will also add a new previous scene, before Yuma and Hana first time, so the pacing can be smoother. I'll add other previous scene in another occasion if I feel is needed, but it will be in another month. My guess is you want to see 'new' events instead of just previous additions.

I'd like to thank the user AE, for making a koikatsu fanart of Hana and Yuma, you can find the link here.

I'm spending more time now to CG making so I can increase their quantity per month. (2 new ones for the next update!) It takes time because I want them to be perfect, and I feel I waste too much time just on small details no one will notice... the thing is, I'll notice them!

I also re-use previous CGs to sprinkle more variation, but I'm afraid if it takes the impact of the image away because you are seeing them too much. What do you feel about it? Personally, I like having the clothed versions and the nude version of the same CG, but I'm concerned if it takes the excitement away due to repetition.

For the next month, I'll decrease the waiting time between 'Fan' and 'Mega Fan' from 10 days to 8 days.

Thank you so much for supporting this game and see you next month!



Personally I'm okay with re-clothing cgs, long as we get some new ones as well. One grip I would have with some atelier Sakura games for example is them only using one cg when having sex with the husband (not all but some). Can't wait to see what the next update holds, and soon enough the end! Thanks for the awesome work.


It’s ultimately up to you if you want to make more unique CGs, but I think what you’ve been doing so far is amazing. And, personally, I like looking at the details of the CGs, hence why I was asking for the CG pack last time.