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 My first time drawing The Emperor in a serious way, this is after the sleeping scene. If he and your lady share the bed dance moment and you want to repeat the ballad he says "LOL I don't think I have more male milk to share, you're going to kill me!" XD So sad you can't have another bed scene later on, but he's true, you're supposed to kill the Netherbrain as soon as possible, probably the same days, so rejecting doing it again inmediately after the first encounter considering he's trying to recover from how good you milked him minutes ago has sense, but I LOVE the way he reacts when you ask him for a second round is not only amazing and fun, but also inmensely hot XD he's not against it, he wants to do it with you again, but he's... tired and worried about the Netherbrain XD So I think I laughed my ass off and, also, was stupidly happy XD So, considering you can do long rests as many times as you want in the game and there is not big consequences (more than some quests you can fail and people that will die if you take too much time, but, after you do everything you can in the game there is, probably, no problem on sleeping as many times as you want) I imagined that Franceska asked him so many times to repeat than she eventually convinces him XD Probably flashing her big tits in front of his tentacled face to aggressively tempt him. This is what I pictured in my mind of him finally succumbing to her XD

 As I said, this is the first time I drew The Emperor, by a mistake I made him more muscular than he's (Mind Flayers have the musculature of a drug addict: they're slim, long, big hands, not big asses, and almost no muscles), but I already learned how to draw him properly... He's not the pink muscular Gigachad Illithid from that DnD Illustration XD The Emperor is a brainy one, so I'm trying to draw him as accurately as possible... with a little more ass XD But slim and long.

 Since this was my first time drawing him, I had some color corrections to do, but I'll continue with these colors from now on.

 How do I manage his genitalia... there are some people that claim that Mind Flayers have no genitalia since they don't reproduce normally but by laying Tadpoles and infecting people, but, also, the wiki says that they're hermaphrodites having both genitalia, which is stupid that you grow a vagina besides your penis if you don't reproduce by normal coitus, so why the hell to have both genitalia with no purpose at all? It's easier to discard the one you had when you were another entity before ceremorphosing... My headcannon? BG3 has no claims regarding their sexual aspect more than saying, in a book you can read in a lot of places, studies can't confirm if they have genitalia or not; due to the same, the way I manage this is that Mind Flayers conserve a vestigial version of the sexual reproductive organ they have before transforming; they're sterile and can't conceive with another race (unlike other races that can actually give birth to hybrids), but it is there anyway. Since Illithids share love between themselves in a different way, vestigial genitalia has no purpose there... BUT another book you can read in the game actually says that Mind Flayers, with all the evil they're and their irresistible urge to control minds and eat brains, they also feel desires and sexual urges, so they may end up pairing with you for a delicious moment and discard you later unless you and your Illithid companion shares the same goal, then both can live a happy life until you're useless to it and ends discarding you anyway XD Well, this is as easy as "just do what it wants and make it happy, that's all, both of you will be happy". Due to the same, I call Mind Flayers the female Praying Mantis of the world XD It mates with you and then eats your brain if you're of no use for it. This is my headcanon and what I'll be using til the end of the days; since Dungeons and Dragons have been changing the lore, discarding backgrounds, deleting words, races, and other stuff for woke purposes then I'll also do whatever crap I want without obeying their rules since they also don't seem to know what the fuck they want apart from destroying the tabletop game.

 So yes, my headcanon and what I'll be using for all my Mind-Flayer-related pictures from now on: if the entity parasitized by a tadpole was female, then the Illithid would have female vestigial genitalia, if it was male, then vestigial male genitalia. Due to their almost inexistent sexual dimorphism, the only way to recognize if it's male or female before going to bed with them is by the voice projected in your mind. We all know The Emperor is male, while the Netherbrain used to be a female Illithid.

Franceska (my custom FemTav) and The Emperor (c) Baldur's Gate 3

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