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 XD... I only pair up Franceska (my custom FemTav) with The Emperor, I don't sleep with ANYONE ELSE BESIDES him... buuuuuut I drew this picture even before starting playing BG3 XD The part where he's "begging you" to give your life to nurture him was... sexually attractive for a picture, so I had to draw it XD...

 This was the first time I drew Franceska. She's custom not only because I made her similar to Franceska Palmer, the main protagonist of my story "My Life with the Cosmic Lord" (a delinquent girl that teams up with the Cosmic Lord of the Chaos trapped in the world trying to recover his full-self to conquer the Universe and engulf it inside his inverse chaotic realm... A comedy with some dark turns and bits of romance), but also because I used mods to make her more attractive than the ugly characters you're forced to do in the game with no way of making them more appealing, her face, I think, comes from The Witcher games and her tattoo from somewhere else. Her hairstyle is not exactly like Fran Palmer's, but that's okay, I'll have this one as the BG3 version XD Anyway, pretty happy with what I was able to do with her. I ended up making her a Gloomstalker since Fran Palmer is a pickpocket and acts like a rogue, so I adapted my game-version to her... and holy crap the Gloomstalker is amazing XD She was blowing up EVERYTHING + Illithid powers (Cull the weak) ufff...

 I drew the dying Illithid (since he has no name, I'll call him "Jure" from "Injured") not as his model in the game, at first, I started drawing him with concept-art clothing from the DnD games just for the funs (and because the Mind Flayer armor is super horrible to draw with all the annoying details), so yes, I didn't draw Jure with the super-complex-to-draw armor (which is the same as the Emperor... crap XD) but I enjoyed doing it... and yes, Fran threw a dice to "feed him" but not exactly the way he was expecting, but clearly not against this... XD And yes, Shadowheart is at the back disgusted with the view XD I was going to draw alongside Lae'Zel, but she appears past the dying Illithid area. You can bring everyone here before interacting with Jure but, if you like to explore, you'll face him first, so I just put Shadowheart there as the first character you can recruit.

 Usually, you can kill the Illithid or leave him to die, and I killed him the first run because I was experimenting, but you can also feed him with your life making him recover a big part of his HP while you lie there dead. I did this for my second run since Franceska is, according to the canon I'm giving to her, an Illithid believer, she believes in Illithid supremacy, but not in the Elder brain, she believes in the individuality of the Mind Flayers instead of the hive mind, so her goal is to aid all the Illithids she can interact with (you have few you can talk with, this is one of them, but all interactions are bad ones), so I revived him and used Astarion to revive my character with a scroll and we run the crap out of there before Jure was able to move, so we left him there alive and happy, and now I want to know what happens when you interact with the red bugbear leader from the goblin camp now he has no dead body to speak with XD And if reviving Jure make him appear at some point or not, I mean who's crazy enough to revive him if he has no other purpose than to be killed (50/75 HP approx) by your lvl 1~2 characters? Whatever purpose he could have, now is my time to see it! Be free, Jure, go on and do your Illithid stuff!

 I'll never draw Fran with anyone else than the Emperor XD This was a slip because I wasn't playing the game by that time, but enough, Emperor is my baby and will always be (I literally rejected EVERYONE in my first run, including Astarion and Halsin because I wanted to be "virgin and pure" for my beautiful tentacle aberration... it worth the 150 hours it took me to sleep with him... Wuv yuuuu!)

Franceska (my custom FemTav) and the Dying Illithid (c) Baldur's Gate 3

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