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 Hey! Hello again! Sorry for keeping all of you waiting, there are up to 6 pictures ready to be uploaded! I'll do it between today at night and tomorrow.

 Monthly Patreon for Franken is also done! I'm sorry if I wasn't able to get this monthly Patreon, some things happened and I couldn't do it at time; so I'll put the next one at the start of the next month to get it on time; I'm also working on the pending Patreon Polls that I got wrong.

 Anyway! The only problem with the next uploadings is that all of them (except for the monthly Patreon reward) would be outside there due to, you know, Patreon rules, but you can message me to get the document and the full-size picture:

XD By checking the preview you can understand why.

 Anyway (again), thanks for your patience and I'll see you when uploading all the pictures!

 See ya and thanks for your constant patronage!



You’re doing amazing Lady! Can’t wait to catch up with you and see your beautiful art again!