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 Hey hello! I have been an increase in Patrons and I'm really thankful to everyone. I'm sorry if I haven't been as much active as I can for all of you; unfortunately, I have troubles with one of my two cats, so I spend most of the time with him at the vet, which reduces the amount of time I have to get things done.

 Anyway, I don't want to annoy anyone with this; I do want to thank everyone for supporting me and I would gladly, now that I have a good amount of Patrons, actually Open a Character of the month starting by the next one, so you can decide what character you want to see drawn by me, and if there is a bigger influx of Patrons then I can start working on a page or something decided by you.

 Once again, thanks everyone for your support and for believing I can give you something you enjoy!

 See you later with more drawings and take care! Don't forget you can message me directly if you have something to tell me, ask me, or whatever you feel like.

 See you!



Please spread the word around if your friends or closed ones are interested in interspecies and anime, Lady Fantasma and Dimitri are both amazing and talented artists. The support is highly appreciated.🙏🏽