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 Hey! My people! First of all, thanks for all your support, I truly appreciate that every one of you is still here! You really make me happy.

 I'm sorry for have been absent for some days, I'm working editing some videos and, in the meantime, working with more drawings. I'm finishing one that will go to my commission chart for people that are asking about commissions on my other websites; after that I'll check pending drawings to finish and upload.

 Now, regarding the question... Pixel Art anybody?

 I recently made this pixel Art (with help from my partner as he drew the sketch and I worked the rest featuring the main characters of The Argus Effect) to complement for a thumbnail for a Mass Effect Legendary Edition I'm recording with him. I could put the videos here, but these are in Spanish (as I'm a Latin-American speaker woman) and my English is not fluent enough to try and make a full English voiced series. The thing is that I made this cover (and also the layout for the template) and I think I did a good job with the picture so...

 Would you be interested in me making more Pixel Arts? Or prefer me sticking mostly to normal drawings? I'm not the best at Pixel Art, but I always liked to work with them. I also have another one of these I need to finish; once it's done I'll upload for you to check.

 Just tell me! I'll keep working and improving this while drawing normal pictures, but I prefer to know what do you think about this. Just that.

 Don't forget the thread for the monthy picture ideas is still on for you to tell me what do you want me to draw, and you can write your ideas here:


 See you!




I think your pixel art looks very nice! It’s worth a shot to keep doing more of them if you want to broaden your art style.


Thanks for your comment! Okay, I'll keep working with them; I have more stuff to be finished Pixel Art Style, so I'll be posting more other days. Thanks for your reply!