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Welcome to the Sly Flourish Patreon Questions and Answers thread for March 2024!

Ask your monthly RPG-related question in the comments below!

Every Friday morning I answer every question on this post. Some questions make it to the Lazy RPG Talk Show, an RPG Tip video, or Sly Flourish article. Don't be upset if your question doesn't make it to the show – only a handful do.

As you consider your question for the month, please

Thank you so much for helping me do what I do.

Now bring on the questions!!


Neal Hebert

Hey Mike, Would you make a word document of your 8 Steps of Lazy Dungeon Mastering available to patrons to download? It would make my life as a DM much easier!

Lukas Carlson

Hey, Mike. I am wondering how you organize your on-going plot threads in your campaigns. I have 3-4 plot threads that the party are slowly learning about, but I haven't figured out the best way to organize these in a way that is easy to reference and build from during each session prep