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Welcome to the Sly Flourish Patreon Questions and Answers thread for November 2023!

Ask your monthly RPG-related question in the comments below!

Every Friday morning I answer every question on this post. Some questions make it to the Lazy RPG Talk Show, an RPG Tip video, or Sly Flourish article. Don't be upset if your question doesn't make it to the show – only a handful do.

As you consider your question for the month, please

Thank you so much for helping me do what I do.

Now bring on the questions!!



Bernie here! With Christmas approaching, do you recall interesting holiday-themed adventures, one-shots or ideas in general?


Hi Mike, I've tried running published adventures a few times in the past and have always really struggled with them. I've recently come to realise that a lot of the problem for me comes from the adventures being overly wordy and I end up overwhelmed with the amount of information I need to absorb. How can I break down the information into a more digestible amount/format that actually helps me as a GM?


Are you attempting to get Ruins of the Grendelroot onto D&DBeyond similar to the recent Ghostfire Games books?


How do you deal with NPC's making Deception, Persuasion and Intimidation checks vs players? I just find it odd to play an NPC in an encounter, roll some dice and then tell my players that they are deceived, persuaded or intimidated. Especially given that I am NOT a great actor, and my players are ALL very strong willed persons. On the other hand, the dice should act as equalizers between stronger and lesser adept roleplayers. I just don't know how.