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Hello, my friend!

The City of Arches Kickstarter is now live! If you want to see the final published full-color version of the City of Arches campaign sourcebook you all have helped me put together, please check out the Kickstarter.


The City of Arches book includes a 160 page PDF and hardcover sourcebook with full-color art, overland maps, and dungeon maps. It includes brand-new art, professional editing by industry veteran Scott Fitzgerald Gray, and a beautiful new design and layout.

Please consider backing the Kickstarter and tell your friends about it!

Thank you again for your support!

Mike Shea




Backed – and finally getting that hardcover of FoF that I couldn't afford when the KS for that was active.

David Canela

I'm sure you've covered this somewhere, but maybe you can point me towards it: What are the main differences between the patron version of CoA and the kickstarter version? Is there a bunch of features or content where you'd say "I particularly recommend upgrading to the KS version if you value x, y, and z"?

Epic Quest

Backed! Congrats Mike, and thanks for another exciting product. Can't wait for the physical book to arrive. Cheers!

Mike Hall

I've backed the KS, and I'm currently using the Patreon version in my game (it plugged into my homebrew setting without a hitch). One question, though: will the finished book change/contradict anything in the Patreon version? I just need to know if there are areas I should wait to have players explore until the hardcover arrives. Thanks for everything you do!