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Here's an early look at this video, which I just finished editing. I'm not sure exactly when it will go live, but I know y'all love this type of content, so have at it.





With a CAT? YES!!!!!!


Long time subscriber and early days Patron. Great video Joshua. Have been watching many of your BB videos and learning/tuning mine. Quick question, I know how it fly's is most important...but I thought generally having D lower is considered better. For example, my alien 5/dodo/xm20a/cobra 2204-2300/1300 4s seems pretty well tuned and D is around 12 or 15. I know each copter is different, but is D at 35ish considered high and/or an edge case? It seems to work well on your copter, just curious on any "general" insights you may have. I have been lowering D to very low to get P close, then upping D slowly per some other videos...and with that method D ends up pretty low (12-15ish). Keep up the great work!! BTW, my copter is pretty noise free...so I have gyro and dterm filters at 100.


How high D can be depends very heavily on how noisy your copter is. Having D lower is not necessarily better, although having D too high (for your copter's noise level) is bad. As long as you check that your motors are not coming down hot, you can tune D based on flight characteristics. Be aware that if D is on the edge of high, an unbalanced prop or bent motor shaft or something like that can increase the copter's noise level to the point where D becomes too high, so I never try to push D to the absolute maximum like I sometimes do with P. In general, I raise D enough to get rid of ringing after flips and rolls, and balance D with P to control propwash as well as I can. Betaflight 2.7.0 added new PID logic that made the D term much more effective IMO, and made it safer to raise D whereas before 2.7.0, I almost always had very low D gains (less than 15, let's say) because going any higher would make more problems than it solved.