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Ok guys let me have it. Was I too easy on him?


Is Beagle Drone a giant ripoff? It depends....

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Lol, I’m only a few mins in but I love JB! 🤣


This guy is a big con artist. He's got some money behind him somewhere but I can't stand his con. Then again, the bar is so low at this point, any con can be successful in america now a days!


This is a joke. Kid is slick with words probably a business major with sales experience. Hopefully this is shut down soon laol


Well that certainly did not end up how I expected it. Almost seems like a decent value for the right customer once he explains it all.


He sounds sincere, but also naïve. The margins and amount your crash in FPV, I don’t know how it’s a sustainable model. With some business pivots he may be able to make it work.


I have the opposite read. I think he’s got no money and is made a business model trying to break even until they can release their own product. We’ll see if their promise of customer service holds true. A lot of companies operate at negative profits for years until they can make it (see Amazon). He is just charging what he needs to run. Is it worth it? Not to a DIYer. To someone who wants something like a DJI drone but doesn’t want their prices? Maybe once Beagles price comes down.


I honestly think he's a young man who is trying to make the American dream which is to start a business without too much expensive overhead and sell to a public that doesn't know anything about it FPV.


You’re right, no one does end to end customer support. If he can make that happen I think he will be successful. Like you said to us hobbyists it isn’t appealing, but as long as they’re trying to innovate or just update their product line I’m fine with it. My first was impression was the same as yours, glad you could do an interview with him about your reservations on beagle drones.


In the end I think you were fair with him (after I gave it some thought). I have built my business from the ground up and I know where he is coming from. Anyone in our community will think this is a con though. However, I bet their customers can't tell a difference between a 5" 2450kv quad running on 4s and a 1900kv on 6s. They are new pilots! If you handed a new pilot a 5" quad running 2205 motors it will be a great new experience regardless of how that would feel to an experienced FPV pilot. Only time will tell if they succeed and produce better products.


So they are targeting a niche market - people who don't have the time, confidence or experience to fix a drone or do settings. I'm sure those people will see value in the product / service. The fact that this niche exists just shows that there are people out there who just don't feel that they are getting the support they need from the FPV community and retailers so this company's offering is looking attractive to them. Maybe it's good thing. Maybe this company will bring more people to our sport. But I'm sure as hell that people will move on from this company's offering pretty soon when they become more experienced.


You were not too tough. I rather like this model. When I bought my first drone, I bought a Wizard only because someone I knew had one and they would be my support system. For someone who first comes to the hobby, and can get this type of dedicated support, i think this is great. And honestly? Their customer demographic will probably not know the performance difference a ZMR and something current. And the support they are offering is great for the un-initiated!


I think he’s a sharp guy and will eventually find a product that he can grow. The customer support model he proposes costs a lot more than anything he has faced so far, requires significant planning, setting aside those huge premiums for that support instead of investing in further product (all of which you said is a nice way). It catches up with you; promises of customer support are debt. I hope he’s successful though, seems like a sincere guy


I dont think you let him off easy. I think it was a pretty good interview. God knows I would have loved to have someone to call and walk me through some stuff on my first fpv drone 8 months ago...esp when it failsafed 30ft from me and crashed into the asphalt from 40 ft in the air. I spent days trouble shooting it and on emails back and forth with RDQ and eventually a replacement dji air unit fixed the issues but I was ready to throw in the towel. That being said I wouldn't pay a premium for support at this point and have with your videos and the new JB FC built one from scratch. I hope he is able to succeed and I feel like his good intentions are there.


Facts, kind of a shame to see such old parts on something that he's charging so much for. And yeah I get that he's trying to change and props to him for getting to where he's at but still it seems a little criminal.


Here's my take on it. In exchange for lower grade/poor grade hardware you get customer support deluxe. You think, WOW, I'm n00b and want in on the fun. Truth is, cheap parts break fast, n00bs crash often (just as I did, regardless of simulator time). This plays well in hand as they make you totally dependent on their support and supply chain (since you know very little as a beginner). You will end up paying far more in the end for far less. They will give you the same cheap parts to replace with and you will be stuck with a low level of know. Thing is, this is not an easy game to play (being an FPV pilot that is). It is and will always be a test of endurance. If you want in, get a tiny crummy FPV kit and grind it out. Just like we all did. Get wise, read the forums, watch YouTube (Joshua of course). The threshold of getting into this hobby requires you to have a baseline knowledge, not in FPV, but in general, the lack of which should act as a natural filter to keep you out. That's the truth about all things worth while. You don't just wake up one morning and realize that you are a UNIX wizard, proficient in programming and algorithms, hacking and batch-scripts. You grind it out. You go to the gym, and your PT is like, today, we will do ONE pushup (50$ thank you) when the truth is that if you require that level of encouragement in anything, you will fall utterly short every time. You will only get ripped if you are ready to hurt, your PT wont be there to baby you through the pain of working out. Anything else is just self sabotage. And trust me, you do not want to dilute yourself about your abilities, cuz, if you do that there be dragons ahead. (emptying your pockets). Nothing wrong with a little help, but getting your rear wiped for you will turn on you fast. And that's when it gets ugly. You want in, you DO your HOMEWORK


Over pricing and inferior product only devalues the quality product and efforts set forth thus far by the industry leaders we all know and trust so well. Sincere intentions aside. If you cannot produce a quality product that is comparable in both quality and price, you are taking advantage of your customers and disrespecting your competition. If every vendor‘s pricing was laid out like this the number of drone pilots would be a few. Hell, he might as well call your granny and tell her she’s about to have her power cut off unless she pays $550 while he’s scamming.