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Without the support of my Patrons, there is no way that I would be brave enough to make this leap. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH. 

This is going to be awesome.


THE BIGGEST ANNOUNCEMENT I EVER MADE is in the first 2 minutes of this video

Ways you can support me: Subscribe via Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thedroneracingengineer The Ultimate FPV Shopping List: https://www.fpvknowitall.com/ultimate-fpv-shopping-list/ My main affiliate vendors are: Banggood, GetFPV, ReadyMadeRC, and Amazon. Click any affiliate link before making a purchase to give me a small commission. You do not have to buy the exact linked product. Any purchase will help. Direct contirbutions can be made via Paypal at: http://paypal.me/fpvknowitall Bitcoin (BTC only, not BCH!) can be sent to: 12bD2jeUbG5pEUW9tnezDvvxe2xjC46U2E



That is amazing Joshua. Congratulations! I’m very jealous. Hoping to get there in a few years but there is a long way to go.


Good luck Joshua! I believe you just made the best decision. This is not only going to move you forward, it’s going to improve the hobby and community around it in its entirety!


Congratulations Joshua we are all behind you.


Really awesome! For you and for us ! ;) Congratulations and good luck!




Woot! Congrats and about freaking time! Now it’s time to get down to some bizness!!!




This is awesome. I think it's about time for that raise we talked about 😉


I would love to watch a graph of paetrons and pledge amounts.


Congratulations on taking the big leap!


So happy for you! Also, a bit selfish, happy for myself since now we have you full time! haha Contrats!


Congratulations Joshua. You can count on my continued support!


Don't blame us for it. You brought this on yourself.


Best of luck on your new adventure!


Congratulations JB!


Congrats Joshua! Keep up the good content.


Congrats! That's ballsy.


Congratulations Joshua =)


Way to go! You've earned it!


Congrats, mate!


Great to hear! Thank you for taking the time to educate us!


Congrats! You’ve been a great teacher!


I'm glad things are progressing for you. Great job!


Congratulations. I learn so much from your efforts I wish I could afford to pay you all the hours your work saves me on tracking down into. Thanks .


ok, you twisted my arm, I raised my pledge...great content, great teacher..KIU!


Go Joshua! Just pledged!


Congrats Joshua! I have learned so much from you and really enjoy your approach on your content. I am now a patron of yours. Looking forward to what is to come!


Good luck, Joshua.


Well done! A brave move, but one that I doubt you'll regret. I have a huge amount of respect for your dedication and passion.


Well done, Joshua, thanks for your commitment and hard work!


New Patreon right here, happy to support you living the dream and help us mere mortals.


Congrats Josh, very cool and well-deserved


Awesome Josh! Congratulations! Does that mean you had a part time or full time job until now while putting out all these informative videos?


Congratulations Joshua, bumped my contribution up for your bravery.


Congratulations again! I enjoy your videos otherwise I wouldn’t be here, but an idea for new content.


Didn’t mean to send that but it sent instead of going down a line, oh well. An idea for new content “ 5 Min tips” I don’t in anyway want your normal full length videos to go away but could you possibly do some 5 Min segments. Like a 5min pid time where it’s like “ fast oscillating is High D term... slow oscillating is P Term... dips on punchouts is low AntiGravty” or “ your soldering still sucks, horns on solder ? Hold heat longer... solder not shiny ? Resolder with new... solder not sticking to the pad ? Make sure the iron has good contact with the pad” Basically from lots of your videos there “extra” content that’s not always advertised in the title... I learn quite a bit about getting my soldering even better after watching your HGLRC Zeus video !! I already had one but I was mostly sticking around for the “extras” lol


I remember reading your original RCGroups thread, and specifically the line where you said "I don't want P and D to be in an escalating arms race, one fighting the other" or something, and thinking, "who is this super-nerd? … I like him!" Congratulations, love your way with words and quirky sense of humour - but most of all, your dedication. For all those views and accolades in the community, you certainly work your butt off.


First of all congrats on the move. Second Thank you for everything you have done for the hobby and for me to be in it. I have been a member of your Patron for quite a while and this latest video and the fact that you are going to give me even more content then I already get made me up my Pledge to you. Good Luck with your new Adventure. Happy to be coming along for the ride.


Congrats and good luck.


Keep up the good work!

Martin Carter

Well done, Joshua. You and others have literally changed my life for the better. Keep up the great work.


Another new Patreon here, I hope this helps a little with this big jump


Congratulations Joshua! Fantastic :-)


Congratulations on a brave and I think wise choice Joshua !


Congradulations and a million thanks have a merry christmas


Best of luck and congrats!


You Rock

Vicky FU

Merry Christmas!


This is huge, Joshua! Congrats to your new liberty and I'm looking forward for your fulltime videos!


Been meaning to bump up my support anyway.


Great! I finally figured out how to log in again! I really need some help. I posted a question in your latest video from a profile called itchyrobot... 3 years of total confusion, and nothing in the air that doesn't already fly out of the box. Please HELP! why is this hobby so stupidly impossible?


Thank you, but I don't see anything at all there, just your video and my one comment below it. I don't have any alerts saying I've been replied to. I sent you a more full explanation of my issues in your inbox here. can you perhaps copy your response there? I'm sorry to be a bother, but I just don't have your reply visible in YT Maybe it's the setting so no one can read other comments on that video?


CONGRATS JOSH. You definitely deserve it. I cant count the number of times that as a noobie I ran into an issue, got on your channel to find the fix a few short minutes away in one of your videos. I know you have helped tons of people in this industry. I am very glad to see it all coming together for you. Keep pressing on! Sky is the limit my friend. Very Awesome!!


Question: Where is the best place to ask questions about tech stuff we need help with?


hi there I am so happy with your work on youtube I have gained so much from your brain ,may you continue too feed us all of that amazing info Meany thanks and a happy new year too you .


ps I can only give $2 each month as I am out of work, when I am working again I will most defiantly support you more mr bardwell


Josh thanks for all your time and effort. Question : did you ever get your RF copter flying and what you think. I have one having problems with mine.