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If you are interested in joining my email list, please click the link above. At the moment, I am only asking Patrons to join, as I get it ramped up and ironed out. I am still figuring out exactly what the point of the email list is, but one thing I hope to do is to send weekly or bi-weekly updates on the videos I've posted to the channel. So if you don't visit the channel every day, you can get highlights of what posted. Also, I plan to link to one-page summaries of some videos, so you can get a quick highlight of a product review, without having to watch a 20 minute video if you don't want to.

In the long term, building an email list is an essential component of making this whole "Internet" thing into a full-time income, which hopefully will be the end-game. Before I do any large-scale marketing, I want to practice on y'all. If you're okay with that, click the link above and sign up. 

Hang on. That sounds like I'm about to start spamming you with garbage. It's not like that, I promise.

Thanks as always for your support. In the last two weeks, I have spent a LOT of money putting various things in motion that I hope will pan out into really amazing stuff. I couldn't do it without the regular income that you provide. You guys rock.


Subscribe to JB | FPV Know-It-All

But right this minute, I'm just getting started, and I'm asking my Patrons if they would be the first to get my email list started. The reason I want an email list is because I'm going to start a ...



Good idea but I watch your channel daily. So no need for me


Well, I would still love to have you on my email list for any other uses I end up thinking of, but of course it's up to you.


I'm in! Spam me baby!


Same here, any content being put out I'd like to see.


Signed up. It looks like its putting your home address in the email confirmation. Not sure if that is intended or not.


Signed up. Should be interesting.


Done TY


Subscribed "just in case".


I'm in.


Enjoyed the first email. Wasn't sure what I was going to get, but I liked what I got ;-)