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VIDEO LINK: https://1drv.ms/v/s!Al4b3QGPtgasl-kiEAAS8EXqvxLGZw

I got a set of LDPower 2305/2600kv motors recently. I'm still sort of on the fence as to whether the new round of 23XX motors are superior to a good quality 2206, when you take into account their weight and efficiency. But I can tell you this: they sure as hell perform better than the 2205 motors that I typically spec.


I never really did like the DYS 2205SE motors on the Armadillo, so I pulled them off and put the LDPower motors on instead. During the first test flight, I was performing some snap-rolls and a Littlebee 20A (Yes!) ESC bit the dust. So I replaced them with a set of RG20 Plus ESCs I had laying around. I guess this is the "red-headed stepchild" quad that gets all the old parts. The RG20's held up, and the video you see above is the result.

Here are my initial impressions.

1) The motors freaking scream. Punchouts are insane. This quad weighs around 360 grams dry and somewhere around 550 to 570 all-up as flown in the video. Look at how much vertical I get on the punchouts. Holy shiiiiiiiiiit.

2) The motors are really smooth and responsive. Throttle feels very connected, if that means anything.

3) This quad doesn't have a current sensor, but amp draw is high. Not unbearable though. My Infinity batteries with 30+ cycles on them would sag into the mid-13-volt range if I did an extended punchout even seconds into a flight. Using good-quality batteries like Thunderpower and TruePower, you could be more aggressive on the throttle. Flight times were comparable to other setups that I have--in the range of 2-3 minutes depending on how aggressive the flying is, but the batteries definitely came down hot. The entire system is working harder, but it's not crossing over into "instantly puff your batteries there is no point at all to doing this" territory. Still, if you don't have GOOD batteries, just don't even bother with these motors. Maybe the lower-kv version...

Props are DAL Cyclone. Camera is Foxeer Legend 3.



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video doesnt seem to work for me


Stupid Onedrive. <a href="https://1drv.ms/v/s!Al4b3QGPtgasl-kiEAAS8EXqvxLGZw" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://1drv.ms/v/s!Al4b3QGPtgasl-kiEAAS8EXqvxLGZw</a>


Is this a better solution than perhaps just using a 5s battery?


Well I don't fly 5S so I couldn't say. You don't get something for nothing in this world, though, and more volts typically means more power available.


Looks great. I have a set of old LD Power 2206 2200kv motors on my Diatone ZMR 200. They still fly great compared to my newer RacerStar motors...Plenty of power on RaceKraft triblades.


The way I see things from the engineering standpoint is that things have progressed tot he point where (in the 200-260 class anyway) Batteries are now our limiting factor on "how fast do you want to go?" topic.