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Sorry for the delay folks, as you all know the last month has been extremely hectic for us, but here are the answers to all your questions, burning desires, and inner curiosities. 

1. An extremely important question which the answer is scrutinised everywhere.......pineapple on pizza, yes or no?

Okay so no idea what the whole bands opinion is on this but I (Beth) am gonna go with a no, only because - I don't like pineapple, (it's a texture thing) so it may taste awesome I have no idea🤷‍♀️

2. How do you guys pick which songs get played on tour? With every song of yours being a certified banger (completely unbiased opinion 😉) it must be difficult leaving certain songs out (*coughcoughKEEPDREAMINGcoughcough*). Is there a process behind it or just picked at random?

Choosing songs in the set we usually do as a group, and we base this on lots of things, we look at what songs are getting the most streams, what songs you guys tell us are your faves, whenever we put a post up asking what songs we should play we DO actually look at all your answers. We also base it off of what are our favourite songs to play live, or what ones have been written specifically for a crowd interactive moment (no money coming in hard on this category,) and also we have some songs that sound great on recording but when we try and play them they just don't come together as well as the recordings. It's got to mesh and flow with the set and not make us feel like it's a drop in the set energy level. 

In regards to set order, that is usually always determined by myself, (Beth) I also am the one who decides on album orders too, I like to be the one to do this because.... singing is hard bro! Sometimes I need a bit of a breather so that I don't accidentally strain my voice, as usually I have many other dates coming up and I am prone to laryngitis, (I have the immune system of a 4 year old so I catch everything! This is also the reason I can't come out and meet you all after every show, germs stick to me and I don't want to be the reason a show get's cancelled) I also pick the order based on energy levels of each song, so we want to come in with some upbeat tracks because we want all of you involved and having the time of your lives as soon as we walk on that stage! I like to put Mayday and Carousel close to each other because they are both integral mosh pit anthems so they work great next to each other!  

3. What's each of your favourite avril lavigne an bowling for soup songs?

Beth - 

Avril Lavigne, What The Hell

Bowling For Soup, Turbulence / or / I Wanna Be Brad Pitt

Ande - 

Avril Lavigne, Losing Grip 

Bowling For Soup, 1985

Timmy -

Avril Lavigne, My World / or / Complicated / or / I'm With You

Bowling For Soup, Always / or / Punk Rock 101

4. So...  ...who is taking over from Lucas? Have you got anybody permanent lined up? Who is playing at the mo'?

MUAHAHAHA you'll have to wait and see. At the moment we have different sessions working with us but we may have a permanent by the end of the year✌️

5. When is the next Tour? (Please say soon)

Just announced and tickets went on sale this morning! The join the club tour is coming to town in November! 

6. Join The Club is in the bag,  what's coming next? Are you guys pulling together songs for the next album now?

I think once this album is out, we will start getting songs together for album number 4! Each time it gets bigger and better all thanks to you guys so I believe the plan is to just keep going!

7. What songs are your guilty pleasures?

Beth - Beyonce, Drunk In Love / or / Partition / or / XO (either way just a bit of Yonce.)

Ande - Carly Rae Jepson, Call Me Maybe

Timmy - Cry Me A River, Justin Timberlake / If It Makes You Happy, Chezza Crow

8. What would be your most desired location/theme for a video (that you haven't do so far!) - anywhere in the world.

Beth - I'd love to do a video somewhere in the desert, I'm thinking something like Lady Gaga's Applause video, alternatively something in the snow like Thirty Seconds To Mars video for A Beautiful Lie. Just somewhere epic where the landscape alone has you encapsulated. 

Ande - I would like to be lifted out of the ocean during a guitar solo like Slash in the Estranged music video.

Timmy - Area 51, or the International Space Station, 'coz Aliens. 

9. Has there ever been a cover song someone tried paying you to do, but you decided it wasn't right for you? If so, what were some of the most out of reach or bizarre requests that you just had to say no to? That would be a good reference for anyone else buying covers and seeing a list would be fun.

We've had to turn down a few but usually it's because for the life of us we just can't make it work. At the end of the day, we want to give you your moneys worth, so we want to give you a track that sounds good and hasn't been rushed or done sloppily. I can't remember any specific songs as it has been a while since we've had to say no, and we will always try everything under the sun before we say no.

10. What Would you say to aspiring singers about the music industry vs. being independent?

I'm thinking of writing a whole blog post just on this topic alone because I think each one of us could ramble on forever about this topic. Everyone has a different journey, and we can only tell you about our own. Being independent is the best move for us because of so many reasons, but every route has it's downfalls, being independent is a lot of hard work, time management is always a problem, we don't have the contacts other artists do and so less likely to be chosen for support slots etc, it's a lot of everyone doing favours for one another in the music industry, we fund everything so if we don't have the money to get vinyls pressed then we can't do it, and so being independent simply isn't for everybody. HOWEVER, we have freedom, we have a connection to our fans that other artists do not, we have built the foundation and placed the brick and mortar to form an amazing community that we believe sets us a part from others. We have met so many other artists that are quite frankly being f***ed over by labels, they're trapped in terrible deals, don't have the rights to the music they have created, living on universal credit because they cannot get a job due to being a touring musician, but not being paid from touring to pay the rent. Label's are glorified bank loans posing as 'opportunity' when if you are willing to put the work in, and have good quality music, you can do it yourself. 

11. Do you have any rituals before a gig?

We attempted to start some kind of handshake/team hand thing on the last tour but honestly it changes gig to gig. We tend to have a little band huddle before the big shows as I think we all need to remind ourselves what we've done and where we've got to! 

I will always make sure that I have warmed up my voice, stretched my muscles, and spent a bit of time in the quiet mentally preparing for what I'm about to do. The nervous/excited energy hits me like a brick before every performance so I often need to just take deep breaths and tell myself to stop panicking! In my head I know as soon as I walk out to our intro music, stage Beth is activated and I'm going to be okay, but sometimes I need a little extra convincing. 

12. If you could open a show for any artist (past or present), who would it be?

Beth - My Chemical Romance or Paramore. 

Ande - Panic! At The Disco or Fall Out Boy.

Timmy - Blink 182

13. If y'all could take any 3 celebs each to dinner, living or dead, who would you take?

Beth - Freddie Mercury, Lady GaGa, Hayley Williams. (Gerard Way is also there but maybe he arrived late I dunno🤷‍♀️)

Ande - Slash, Freddie Mercury, James Acaster.

Timmy - Michael Cera, Bob Lazar, Seth Rogan.

14. What's the one stage/stadium y'all wish to sell out one day and why???

Beth - I'd love to sell out Alexandra Palace in London!

Ande - Wembley Stadium

Timmy - Madison Square Garden.

15. If you had to take on 100 of each of the following animals in a fight, which one you picking? King crab, weasel, bull frog or badger.

Beth - I can't think of anything worse to be honest, but I'm going to go with the crabs because I think if I pick them up by the heads and throw them I could run away...

Ande - Badgers, because forbidden cat. 

Timmy - Bull frog if I'm feeling sensible, Badger if I'm feeling reckless. 

16. Which way do you hang the bog roll?

Beth - I think I do both ways, it just depends on what way I happen to be holding it. I always used to think the right way was when the pull came from the back, but if you stay in a fancy hotel it's the opposite way because they do the fancy triangle fold thing? 

Ande - Beth here answering this one for Ande. I don't think he has ever put a toilet roll on the holder once in his whole life. 

Timmy - 

17. Tea or Coffee for the rest of your life?

Beth - Green Tea with Honey

Ande - Iced Frappuccino

Timmy - Americano

18. What flavour of crisps would you be?

Beth - Ready Salted Pom Bears 'coz I'm cute af. 

Ande - Flaming Hot Doritos because I'm 🔥🔥🔥

Timmy - Ranch. 

19. How important is choosing the track listing for your albums?  Are there any b-sides that you were extremely attached to that didn't make the final cut on your albums, and if so, how did you decide whether or not they made the cut?  When introducing the band to new fans, what's the one song that you think they should hear first that encapsulates everything awesome about ADF?

I love choosing the track listing for our albums, however I know that a lot of people use shuffle rather than listening to an album from start to finish. Personally the first time I listen to any album I do not shuffle purely because I wanna hear what the artists intentional order was. 

Theres at least one demo track that we didn't use for Join The Club that I would love to keep working on and potentially get it out on the next album. Our last single Little By Little was actually wrote for Happier but I just wasn't happy with it and it needed re-working. Also, we have a song coming out on the deluxe album that is no where else, and I love that track, but when doing our votes for which songs got on to the album unfortunately it got kicked off the main track listing, however I'm super happy it is still on the deluxe version so you all get to hear it! 

If I was introducing the band to someone new, I would prescribe two tracks to get them hooked! 1. Ride. It is simply classic ADF and an essential song to know at an ADF gig. 2. Mayday. This song is fab because you can dance, mosh, clap, nod, bop, cry, anything you want to it and it works!

20. Would you ever wish to have a singer from another band do a song with you on one of your albums? If so who would you pick? I noticed that you've actually collaborated with Flash Forward on one of their songs and I only know about them because of you.

Beth - I'd love to have Caleb from Beartooth on a track, equally I would love to have Lucas from Holding Absence, both incredible singers that I think would make an ADF track pop.

Ande - Electric Callboy because they create bangers. 

Timmy - Phoebe Bridgers

21. Would you ever re-release As december falls on vinyl again as I've searched the universe and even Elon Musk can't get a copy 🤔 😁

We are thinking of doing more vinyl pressings of the first two albums, but it's very expensive to get vinyls cut so we're currently focusing on Join The Club before we re-press!



Jason Reed

Thanks for answering my question guys 😁

Martin Gray

How is it you get more and more amazing