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Howdy, hey, hi, how are ya? Bethany here, coming at you with my first ever “blog” (I guess) post.

I thought as this is my first post, a good way to start would be to tell you why I am doing this, and the answer is simple. I want to. I have wanted to do this for a long time, with a creative & professional writing degree under my belt, and my very awkward in-person social skills, putting pen to paper (so to speak) seems like a good way to go.

When I grow up I want to be… a lawyer. That’s right, tiny 10 year old me said this in front of her whole year 6 class. It was then followed up by; astronaut, dancer, teacher, and a very humble vote for movie star. All these were to be expected, I mean we were only 10. Little did I know, I was going in the opposite direction with my job aspirations, starting with lawyer, and ending on (yep you guessed it) rockstar. If 10 year old Bethany met me now, I’d like to think she wouldn’t be too disappointed that I hadn’t made it as a lawyer. After receiving a ‘U’ in my first and last ever law exam, I hope she would understand that I am simply not cut from the brainy cloth, but instead, from the colourful, crazy, creative cloth.

Fast forward to university where I had decided I would either write the next Harry Potter, or be a renowned journalist. At this point I have just joined As December Falls, we have released no music, and we spent more time getting drunk than we did writing music. I had no friends at university. My friends were the band, I lived with Timmy in Nottingham in the world's worst flat, and travelled to Derby 3 days a week for my lectures and classes. Even as I typed that last part out, I smiled to myself. I know how rarely I was seen in my uni because I would only attend classes that I found interesting. And let’s just forget about Tuesdays as everyone knows that Monday nights you could only find me in our favourite bar, Ride. Whilst Ande managed to drag himself out of bed on a Tuesday morning and kick ass as a criminal defence lawyer, Timmy and I would be throwing shoes at each other's doors to try and get the other one to make us a cup of tea as we were too hungover to move.

That being said, I got my degree and made my part-time job my full-time job, the glamorous life of, “supervisor” at an adventure golf course. I quickly decided I did not want to work until midnight 5 nights a week and started my office girl life as a claims handler, truly putting my very useful degree to good practice. Car insurance claims were the place to be. OH WAIT! Redundancy. I told myself not to worry, that this was my chance to start working as something I wanted to be, so what did I do next? I can tell you’re on the edge of your seat with anticipation. I got a job as a…

…claims handler! But wait, it's different, I was dealing with house insurance claims now. Yeah not a big difference to be completely honest with you, but unfortunately I needed to eat and pay bills, and it was the only job I could get.

Let’s jump through time again, let’s go to right now.

I am currently sitting in bed, in the dark, three cats all trying to use me as a pillow, and a quickly cooling cup of green tea that I really should drink soon.

I have no job, as I had to quit in order to tour.

I played a gig to 1,500 people a matter of days ago.

I have the same two best friends, who are currently in the next room recording acoustic guitars.

And to tell you the truth, I couldn’t be happier.

I’m doing what I love, and thoroughly struggling along the way, and I think me saying that, is a great way to start. Will this ‘blog’ hold the answers to life? Have I just written a very long winded CV? Who knows.

(If you do know the answers to life please hit me up.)

Peace out mother fluffers. Hope to see you soon and looking forward to next time.



Adrian Nuttall

Thanks for sharing Bethany! Interesting to hear about your journey so far….lots of people are glad you chose the path you have 😊x

Daryl ball

Loved this, truly demonstrates that it isn't what you think you should do but what you love doing that defines you. Proof is in the pudding as you are all amazing. Your music and stage presence is inspiring.