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You guys are amazing and we just wanted to take a second to tell you all that we appreciate every single one of you. 

This month, thanks to Patreon, we were able to invest in a brand new microphone, pop shield, isolation booth, Apollo Twin Interface and mixing speakers so that we can improve the quality of the content that we make for you guys. 

We've also got a brand new camera on the way to help with creating new images and videos. 

So yeah, we just wanted to say thank you so much for your support - we honestly wouldn't be able to do this band without you guys. 

All our love, 

Bethany, Ande, Timmy and Lukas 



Pete McHugh

Nice to see how patronage helps and how funds are used. Also clips from festivals are great just shows how ADF and your following is growing and you certainly go down a storm with the crowds. Very impressive

As December Falls

Yeah, we're still at the stage where we don't personally take any money out of Patreon - it all funds stuff in the band. Do you think it would be interesting for us to do regular posts so you guys can see how the support helps?

Charlie Mat Scene

Aw thanks for this you guys deserve to be supported you do everything yourselves it's good to see how our contributions from patreon and our merch purchases are used for better equipment i'm so proud to support you and to call you friends/family of mine