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Hey Fallers, 

We've refactored our Patreon and we've split it up into 4 tiers moving forward.

We've thought long and hard and have decided, rather than take away from the current 'Faller Tier' we will basically be keeping it the same content wise but will be adding 3 more tiers that include EVEN more stuff for those that want it. 

That means you guys don't lose out by staying at the tier you're at but if you want to be more involved and get nicer stuff, you can. 

The ONLY real thing that is changing is that we're now saying you must be a Patron for at least 3 months before you qualify for stuff like free gig tickets.

Please note, this DOES NOT impact any free tickets you guys have booked for February - every ticket will be honoured. This is only for future shows.

The Faller Tier is now also limited to one free ticket per tour. The reason for this is that last year we saw a number of people join for the tickets and then leave not long after the show. 

We want Patreon to be a place that you guys great value from but we also need it to be a place of sustainable revenue for us. 

At the moment we all work full time jobs and juggling ADF is becoming harder and harder time wise. 

Our goal for this year is to be able to go down to part time work which means we will be able to dedicate at least one full day each week to working on Patreon content. 

This will mean that Patreon content will be improving quality wise and also the frequency. 

But to get there, we need to grow this community both with numbers but also the value we give you guys. 

So if you're happy where you are, awesome - not much has changed! 

But if you chose to upgrade your tier, thank you so much, we appreciate it a lot. 

Overall though, we couldn't do this band without every single one of you so thank you. 

Bethany, Ande, Timmy and Lukas 


Jay Thrussell

I hope this helps you guys! You honestly deserve it I can say for sure though when I actually have the money I'd be more than happy to upgrade. And I'd even be happy to go to the platinum tier.

Chris Hampton

How do I upgrade? Can't find it in the app...

As December Falls

"Scroll down and select the “Edit” button under your current tier description in the “Summary” section of the page. Scroll through the creator's tiers and tap the “Join” button for the tier you'd like to switch to. Tap the “Update” button to confirm your changes."