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Hey guys,

It’s gonna come as no surprise I am sure but we’ve been discussing options with the venues and it is not looking likely that venues will be open without social distancing this year. We will lose money if we run the tours with social distancing in place as we will only be allowed to sell a quarter to half of the tickets to make the shows safe.

We don’t want to get into a vicious cycle of announcing shows and then postponing them so we have decided to keep all the venues booked with their deposits and we will announce a run for 2021 with all the same cities and venues.

All existing tickets will be valid for the new dates when they are announced. If you would prefer a refund just drop us an email with your order number.

We’ll be announcing publicly next week.

Sorry guys, we really hoped things would get better...


Bethany, Ande, Timmy and Lukas


Jamie Brain

Gotta do what you gotta do in these strange times, it sucks but probably the correct call. Will 100% be there next year front row going mad 🤘💙

Paul Griffith

Such a shame, guys, but understand that you can’t sensibly do anything else right now. It’ll come, just have to hang in there! 🤘👍😃