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Hi Fallers!

Here's a sneak peek at us writing and demoing for the album including clips from two brand new songs! We're having a lot of fun writing and can't wait to get into the studio next year!!!

Let us know what you think!


Bethany, Ande, Bambi and Lukas



Writing with As December Falls

Hey guys, here's a few clips of us writing and working on the demos for the new album! Enjoy!


Tom Gruber

At <a href="https://www.patreon.com/asdecemberfalls/posts?tag=Orinal%20Music,">https://www.patreon.com/asdecemberfalls/posts?tag=Orinal%20Music,</a> the word you are searching for is I think is "Original" not "Orinal". "Orinal" is a spanish word that can mean: chamber pot - pot - potty-chair - pisser - urinal. This word is in the tags. Date is: Sep 10, 2017 at 3:31pm

Brian Kennedy

that does sound awesome, so far!