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Sondra looked at the rest of the RAs. Teresa was looking at her phone and Julie was doing her nails.

“What is this all about,” she muttered. They’d had the RA meetings last month, and now they were back for… what? Some kind of new thing.

“Bet it’s new rules,” Teresa said, without looking up from her phone. “Probably someone did something and they gotta tell us that college students aren’t allowed to bring a rabid raccoon into the dorms or something like that.”

“Nah,” Julie said. “They’ll be telling us that we’re getting a pay cut, but don’t worry, we get free food at the cafeteria.

“Eugh,” Sondra muttered. “No thanks.” She glanced back at the door. The college was way in the boonies, because the parental units were afraid of her going to a party campus, and since her grades weren’t good enough to get a scholarship, she had to go where she was told. It sucked for a college sophomore. The nearest town was like 20 miles away and that was just some little farming community. Rural and relaxing my ass. It’s like… super boring.

“Well, hello!” A… gooey voice for lack of a better term sounded from behind them.

Sondra blinked. Wait a minute, I know that… She turned around to see Professor McGannis.  When they’d last seen her, she’d been barely polite, looking at them like they were a distraction from her very important work.

Now she had a broad smile on her face, her lips gleaming with properly applied lipstick. Two dangling hoop earrings gleamed in the light, as did a necklace that was practically a collar, with an emerald sitting in the hollow of her throat.

But that wasn’t the big thing—no, things

Because she’d last talked to them, Professor McGannis had worn an… eugh. It’d been like some kind of Victorian nightmare that just needed a face veil to show her off as the world’s most dowdy woman.

Now she was wearing a pink skirt, a short skirt in fact, and a tight top that showed off cleavage, and Sondra didn’t care how much her clothing had disguised, there was no way it could have hidden those jugs.

The fuck, did she get a boob job?  She giggled. Maybe the professor was having a midlife crisis?

“I hope you’re all happy!” she said, practically bouncing to the front of the room. She turned away from them and started to fiddle with the computer.

“Um…Prorfessor McGannis!”

“Oh, call me Linda!” she said and was her voice about an octave higher?

“Okay, um, Linda,” Julie said, looking up from her nails. “Why are we here? Didn’t we already go through orientation?”

“Oh yeah,” Pro-Linda said. “That boring stuff. See, we got bought out, ‘cause like some kind of financial thingie…”

Teresa mouthed “thingie?” to the other two college students. Sondra shook her head. Maybe someone had spiked the faculty coffee with booze…and boob enhancers? 

And butt enhancers… She thought as Linda bent back over the computer and kept fiddling with it. “This is like so complex!” she said, a whine in her voice. “Okay, got it!” She turned around and looked at the three RA’s. “So see, we’re gonna have to do a little bit of work, to help you get on board…” she giggled, “And working under the new management. You’ll love ‘em. They’re great guys.”

“Wait, guys?” Teresa blinked. She was fairly certain there was only one guy on campus and he’d been hired as an adjunct.

“Uh-huh. They’re like super smart. So much better than…” Linda bit her lip. “Well, guys are just better at some stuff. Numbers, you know, stuff like that. Especially with their vocab…vocab… Big words.”

Teresa stared. “Booze in the coffee” was really starting to track up on her list of possibilities.

“Okay!” Linda said. “It’s time!” She pulled out some paper, and looked at it, biting her lip and actually murmuring as she read part of it to herself, her whispers audible, even if Teresa couldn’t understand the words.

“And here we go!” the lights in the room dimmed, and Teresa looked up to see the big screen TV start to glow…

“And this is gonna be the bestest orientation in your lives!” 




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