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“Carla? Like, um the Doctor is gonna see you.” Carla jumped up, putting the magazine to the side. The latest article had been totally cool, reminding her of how important it was to find a guy at work who could be her mentor, reminding her of her place, both on and off the job. Like the woman writing it said, it could even end up to the man deciding to take her home and make her his little woman—just like he had done the same to the author, before he’d let her write the article.

Gawd, she’s lucky. Going from a lawyer to a housewife, not having to worry about anything except keeping the house pretty and her man happy…

Carla licked her lips. That was why she was here!  Not just to look good at work, but let the men know she could look good in the bedroom… or the living room… or the kitchen.

Maybe not as a wife, Carla knew that some guys wanted something better than her—or didn’t want to be tied down, but as a live in… maid?”

But it didn’t matter as she followed the nurse, looking at the way her rounded ass wiggled under the tight skirt.

“I, um, like your clothes,” Carla said. The nurse turned around and looked at her, her red hair and blue eyes contrasting with her tight black top, white skirt and jewelry.

Her big gold hoop earrings were cool, but the most important thing was the little collar around her neck. Carla licked her lips. Had she bought it, or had a man put it around her lips, made her his in just a few seconds…

“Aren’t they cool?” she said. “Mr. Stanly… Well, when he first came, he was just an intern, and we were dressed so badly, like you couldn’t even see our boobs!”

That sucks, Carla thought.

“And then he, you know, let us know that we needed… A man to help us run the place. I mean, medicine is one thing, but could you imagine  a girl like me handling a business?”  She giggled, and Carla joined her. It was silly. Right now, she was just doing the paperwork that no man needed to be bothered with, but really, it was hard to imagine any man being okay with her doing important stuff. After all, she was a girl, and what if she made some stupid mistake because she just had a bimbo moment?

“Okay, here you are. The doctor will see you…” The nurse paused. “Well, she’s helping one of the boyfriends relieve some tension, but she’ll be here any minute.”

That left Carla alone with some motivational posters. They were a lot better than the last time she’d been in a doctor’s office.

One showed a woman in a bikini working out.

“Remember, keep that ass moving for your man!”

Another showed a woman staring at a bunch of books with a confused expression on her face. “Got problems with finances?  Let your man handle it!”

Carla nodded. She was definitely going to let a man handle her money as soon as she found a man who would take her. That was why she was here.

And then the door opened, and a woman strutted in. “Hi, honey, I’m Dr. Wilkes, and I’m totally gonna make you hot!”

Carla stared at the woman. She’d seen a picture on the way in, gathering dust of some boring bitch with stringy red hair and no figure. The kind of woman that no man would spare a second glance.

But this woman… her tits struggled to escape her bra, while her flawless ass pressed into the fabric of her miniskirt. She had a lab coat on, but all it did was show off just how fuckable she was. Big green eyes looked at her, and she just wondered how those perfect lips would look around a man’s cock.

“I know!” the woman said. “Everyone looks at that picture, and they’re like, totally surprised when they see me. I gotta give every boyfriend a blow job to show ‘em they’re not dreaming.

“Oh…” Carla licked her lips and glanced at the door where the nurse had gone. “And can you…”

“I can give you the kind of body that lets your man know you’re willing to fuck him—or your office know you’re willing to fuck ‘em all!” She giggled. “C’mon!” Carla followed her to the interior and then paused. There were a number of stalls and in them there were reclining chairs, and in each chair was a woman hooked up to IV’s, their bodies nude or just wearing underwear, and Carla realized that the underwear was getting tighter. Carla put her outer clothes in a little bad and then lay down, letting her legs spread a little.

Holy shit, she thought. This was… They’re giving them the kind of body they—I—need.

“So, what do you want?” The doctor asked, and Carla looked her up and down and then looked at her own petite—no, scrawny form and giggled.

“The bigger the better!” she said.

It didn’t take long after that. Another nurse, this one just wearing a lab coat over her panties, her tits bouncing with every step, took Carla’s vitals and then she was lying down onto the couch as the TV above her played a show about some CEO who was demoted to be a secretary… It was sort of cool to watch. The doctor ran the last checks, leaning over Carla and letting her fingers run over Carla’s naked skin. She shivered at their touch, especially when they traced over her mons.

Carla moaned at that.

“Oh, you’re like totally sensitive. You’ve gonna be popular!” And with that, the doctor touched some buttons, and Carla felt a pricking sensation from the IVs… and then she was facing out in a comfortable haze, giggling as she watched the show.

After all, it was cool to watch the new CEO put his former boss in her place by spanking her in front of the board…




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