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Accurate college records are very important...


Diane didn’t know why the manager wanted to talk to her. That had been Maria’s position, but the last time Diane had seen Maria, she’d been down in records like Diane, running errands. Running errands for her… her intern.

But he was a man and had other things to do. Diane had mainly remembered being a little envious of the way Maria’s short black skirt showed off her ass, letting everyone know that the slut was wearing thin panties.

Diane shivered at the memory. But now… she didn’t know what she’d done wrong!  She checked her ribbons, the pink fabric contrasting with her dark brown hair, made certain her skirt was properly adjusted, and then waited to be called into the inner office, the new office muzak playing in the background.

The longer the wait went, the more nervous she was.

Finally, the door was opened and a man— Maria’s former intern, gestured her in. His expression was stern.

Diane licked her lips, brushed some imaginary lint off of her clothes and followed him in.

He gestured for her to stand by the desk, and she did. Diane waited, saying nothing.

“We’ve been evaluating our employees’ educational history,” he finally said, without bothering to ask her to sit down. “And there have been some issues. “Your history shows some unusually high grades, and some of your work appears to have been falsified.” He held out some documents and Diane looked at them.

Falsified? That’s not…

But she didn’t remember.

I mean, sometimes we shared information, maybe helped write each other’s essays, but everyone does that, right—her excuses died before the gaze of her boss. The man.

No wonder he was here and Maria wasn’t. Maria would never care about this. Maria wouldn’t do her job. Not like this man.

No wonder Maria was down in records, showing off her fat ass. Why would you trust Maria to do something else.

But then Diane bit her lip. Diane had been the one to not study. To sometimes let other people do her work. She’d never thought it would be a problem, but then that was why she was here. That was why a man was having to clean up her mess.

“Sir I—“

“Diane, I’m not finished.”

‘Yes, Sir.” She looked at her feet.

“Now, it’s plain that we can’t continue like this. Our company prides itself on honesty. And employees with inaccurate academic records is hardly honest.

Diane kept looking at her feet.

Oh God, I’m going to be fired. Fired, and she deserved it. They’d walk her out and everyone would realize how badly she’d screwed up.  How she had…

Diane sniffled. She couldn’t keep it in.

“Now Diane, I don’t like to see one of our girls sniffling. We have to own our failures.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“And I have an option. While it’s clear you can’t continue to work in your current position, your former Intern has things well in hand, doesn’t he?”

Diane nodded. After all, he’d worked in college, not found ways to get around what he needed to do.  “Yes, sir. He’ll be great.”

“Good. We have some positions opening up in the secretarial pool down on the fifth floor. If you’re willing…”

“Yes! Oh please, yes!”

“Very good. We’ll be moving your things out of the new manager’s office.”

“Yes, sir.”

“And oh, Diane?”


“Remember, you’re not a manager anymore, so be certain to behave appropriately with your new coworkers. You might learn things.”

“Yes, sir!”

“Also, we’ll be evaluating your financial responsibility. We can’t have our employees looking like they can’t handle their money, now can we.”

“No, sir.”

“Good girl.”

Diane was thrilled at the compliment. She’d escaped being fired.

“Now you can go.”

She left, and as she left the office, there were several women waiting their turn. Maria, Carla, Gloria—a lawyer she didn’t recognize, holding a briefcase and trying to look important…

Diane snickered. She bet that she had also been a crappy student.

I wonder if she’s going to be fired, or will be smart enough to know that the secretarial pool is the best she can get…





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