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Diane tries to reach out to a college friend for some advice, only to find out that her company isn't the only one seeing changes...

(sorry for the Delay, but a thirty minute planned power outage by the city turned into a six hour power outage). 


“I’m calling for Ms. Joan Millar?” Diane asked.

“Oh, speaking!” There was an undertone of muzak on the line.

What the hell, did I get the wrong number? She hadn’t called Joan’s private number, because she hadn’t had cause to talk to her friend since she’d become a Junior Partner at her lawfirm.

And Joan was always a little bit of a shark, always looking out for Number One.

“Joan? I have some legal questions.”

“I.. Yes?” Her voice suddenly sounded a little timid. “I’m not certain if I can answer them, but…”

“Aren’t you a partner?”31

“Um, there was some issues, and I…” There was a pause. “Had to change positions.”

Wow, Joan had to change positions. Joan had always been stuck up and Diane had a sudden view of her having to stand in front of some desk, a big man looking down at her, telling her that she would have to be demoted…

Almost unconsciously, she licked her lips.

Demoted… For some reason the word made her shiver.

Then she heard Joan talking, and Diane forced herself back to the world. Besides, what had she been thinking of?

Joan had probably screwed up a case. But well, she was still the only lawyer Diane knew.

“Oh, good, I have some legal questions for you.”

“I’m not… certain—“

“Oh, c’mon, they’re simple!”

There was a pause, and then Joan answered in that oddly timid voice. “Yes?”

“We’ve got a new dress code.”


“And I want your take on how I can take them down legally, because it’s all about looking good for the men.”

“Oh, Um, well, yes… I mean, legally, the the question would be, um, does it present the right view. I mean, after all, dressing to be attractive, is really a big part of what makes a man like you…”

What? “Are you kidding?”

“No, I, mean, have guys paid more attention to you?”

Yes… Diane tried to focus on her anger, but now she was thinking about it… yeah, some guys had looked at her, let their eyes roam all over her body. Totally inappropriate. But…

Hot. Diane shook her head, trying to banish the image of how some men had looked at her shorter skirt as she’d tried to march down the hallway without wiggling her ass.

“Um… yeah.”

“So, men like you, and that’s like important to selling stuff, I mean, since you’re not a man, you have to have something to convince people to keep you on, and being good to look at is is important.” There was a mix of a moan and sigh in her voice. “Because… because you know, men are just better at work.”

“I—“ That music was louder, and suddenly Diane had to admit there had been times she’d dropped the ball. Like a man probably wouldn’t. Times when she had been… silly.

Like now.

No! She shook her head. That was ridiculous! She—

“Joan! Are you wasting time on the phone!”

“Um, no sir, a friend was just asking—“

“Are you playing lawyer again?”

“But, I am…”

“Joan, remember your new position.” His voice was strong, powerful, and even on the other end of the phone, Diane felt a quiver of worry that she might get him angry, whoever he was.

“Now say good bye to your friend—and after that, you can tell me who she is, after you get the coffree.”

“Yes sir,” Joan sounded like she was about to burst into tears. “I’m sorry sir, It won’t happen again, sir.”

“You’re right. But I know this is a big responsibility for you. Especially after your demotion, so make certain you show me I can trust you with it.”

“Oh, I will sir.”

“Good. I won’t dock you any hours. Now go get my coffee, and remember, Joan, A secretary needs to focus on her work.”

“Yes sir! I gotta go!” that last was said to Diane, and then the phone went dead.

Wait a minute. She’s a secretary?



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