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Diane was in the records room. Seething.

She wasn’t wearing her comfortable clothes, the ones that let everyone know she was an executive. No, she was wearing clothes that complied with the new dress code.

White sleeves, a black necktie, and, worst of all, a short skirt that gave people a show when seh bent over. All part of presenting a friendly image.

Michael, the new guy. The guy who was in overseeing the “transition.”

And here she was, because he’d sent her down to do some filing work. That was what… what…

“Filing work? Isn’t that what we have interns for?” Diane was glaring at Michael. Or she was trying to. Even seated, he seemed to fill the room. His piercing green eyes just stared through her.

He somehow had a bigger office than she did. He’d just come here. Just because Mandy had sold out didn’t somehow make him her—

“Now, Diane,” he said, and at his voice, she fell silent. “We want to make a welcoming environment at this company and showing disdain for the interns isn’t how we do things, especially with the management changes. I know you’ve expressed anger at the dress code, but I want to ask you—what do you want to show? What impression do you want to give as a woman?”

Woman? I’m a—Almost without prompting, her lips moved. “Professional, sir.” Where did ‘sir’ come from?

“Very good, and a professional employee understands the importance of fitting in. And making certain that she provides a welcoming environment for everyone else. It’s like the new dress code. After all, there’s no sense in being intimidating.”

“I—Yes, sir.” She felt out of place, the big office making her feel like she was just some kind of intern herself, called on the carpet for making a stupid mistake. “I’ll start the filing work immediately.”

“Thank you, Diane. And… Good girl.”

On the way out, she felt an unaccountable thrill at those words.

But now Diane was pissed. “Good girl. Fucking Good girl, like I’m some new student sitting there and simpering in front of him. I’m a manager, and I have people under me—“

“Wow, you’re pissed,” Carla said from behind her.

“Yeah, because look!” Diane said, gesturing around. “I was working on the Sims commission, and look at this! They have me down here! Stuff is supposed to be finished by Friday, and here I am!”

“So why didn’t you tell him no?” Carla asked.

“I… I…” Diane bit her lip and looked away. “It wasn’t worth the fight,” she finished lamely. Looking into those eyes and that voice… “That was all. You need to choose your fights.” Then she looked at Carla and blinked. Carla was wearing a dark skirt, one that was a little tighter than the short Asian normally wore. Ditto for her white blouse, but she had a… pink hairband on?

“What is that?” Diane asked. “Since when did pink hairbands become office attire?”

“I know something you don’t…” Carla sing-songed. “I heard that there are going to be some changes in allowable dress code, to make the women look more approachable.”

“There was nothing like that in the email!”

“Well, I heard that they’re letting stuff out slowly. The big boss thought that Mandy was a little too abrupt with some changes, so after she left…”

Yeah. Left. Not even a goodbye party. Granted, it wasn’t like everyone loved Mandy, but still, just vanishing like that…

But Carla was still talking. “And that’s not the only thing. I heard some people talking, since I was sort of in the hallway, and they are gonna roll out some new stuff on workplace behavior, a whole new system!”

“Great, another waste of time,” Diane said. “Where is this coming from?”

“I—“ Suddenly Carla’s mouth snapped shut. “I shouldn’t have said.”

“What? You’re like the main gossip in this whole building. Twenty floors and everyone knows that Carla Cho is the one to tell the real gossip!”

“I—“ Carla licked her lips, blushing. “I shouldn’t. I mean, Mr. Bates doesn’t think gossip is what a woman should get into. It’s not businesslike. Or, um, feminine.” She blushed again. “I gotta go.” And then, without another word, Carla turned and headed for the exit, wiggling her ass a little bit.

Diane stared after her friend, then blinked.

Wait a minute. Mr. Bates? Richard Bates?

Richard Bates is her subordinate!



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