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Just wanted to give a little update to what is going on with me and my life.

I have been struggling just doing the daily life things, and things are just building up and getting very overwhelming.

Hard to not feel pathetic or like a failure.

The cats are a big part of my motivation and I want to do better for them❤️

But shits hard… I have adhd meds to help me but when I wake up late, and forget to take them what help does it do😭

Feeling constantly overwhelmed and behind on stuff makes it hard to get ahead.

I need routine but I have such a hard time making a routine.

Felling so shit about myself is also part oh why I haven’t taken much pictures and not posted so much.

I want to feel better and get better.

Thank you guys for supporting me and being there for me❤️



Mr Terence Hill

Yes life sucks sometimes, but after i saw over the last 2 years what you all achieved and what you did/created in that time by your own, im sure you also can overcome that part. Sometimes you need a push from someone else to do stuff. With the cats taking such a big part in your life now, think what will be the best for them and that is mostly also the best for you, because when you see the cats happy you will also be happy. Maybe start with 1 freetime a week where you not stream or do PC stuff and just live your life and do your daily routine so you can get used to it. We are here to support you. ❤️


You may feel like a failure or pathetic but YOU ARE NOT! You archived already a lot for example look at your living situation you got that way younger than most people if they even will get to that point, you got your own car and you are in the top1000 (out of over 100k) streamer on twitch for over 2 years by now. And there is more your supported your family in a way that also very unusual in your age, your cats (with all the bad stuff they went trough) and i could go on but i think you get the point. And of course by some stuff you got some help but that goes for everyone there is no such thing as a complete self made woman/man! And that only on the classic life part then you have build a community where we ( i am including you there) found nice people and some friends from around the world, we even meet some of them and will meet more over the next years thx to you! I know your open/kind art has help more then one person to get a better version of them self I would go that far and say without you and what you are doing there some people that would not just be way less happy properly not even around anymore! Thx for sharing and i think more people here then me can understand how you feeling🤗 Humans have flaws and no one is perfect😉 It is ok to feel like you said you feel but as i said on the beginning and other too YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE OR PATHETIC at all! I am 100% sure that there are many more people that will stay behind the next sentence: I am proud of you! Take care and let us know if we can help!

Dana Lee

Damn I'm sorry to hear this 😞 I hope you're able to find a nice routine that works for you. I desperately need to stick to routine or I just feel lost. Best wishes Maji


Eg sliter med litt lignande (og litt andre) ting for tida. Denne veka greidde eg å rydde rommet mitt! Og eg har kind of greidd å fikse døgnrytma mi frå å søvne i 4-5-tida og stå opp mellom 13 og 14 til å søvne rundt midnatt. Poenget er at du burde feire dei små achievementsa så vel som dei store. Eg har enda ikkje gode rutiner, eg slit med motivasjon til å studere for eksempel, men likevel er det mykkje eg greier, og det skal faen med feirast.