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This is one of the apartments I looked at but didn’t get🤔 was nice, but a bit small and over my budget.

Hope you guys are excited to see the one I ended up with😏



Are apartments there normally fully furnished or was that a show one? It will be cool to see a new setup! My work schedule is changing so I should be able to get back to streams soon!


Bet you can't wait to only have to clean for one person instead of three 😉 very exciting times!


Kinda fun trying to understand what you're saying based on swedish 😁 Think I got the hang of most of it, surprisingly


Yesss! You want build shelves for them to climb high. Not thinking they'll jump out, but cats are weird, so still need to be careful. Mentioned the whole episode that happened when they were kittens. And then something about them having grown up and learnt something Right at all? 👀 Couple half-sentences where I can't pick any words from, and everything the guy says is just a mumble 😅