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Fanbox banned her Maybe Mama went into her name and judged her incest I'm not going to draw her from now on because I can't gamble dangerously by drawing this character again. Pixiv's guidelines have many ambiguities, so even if she changes her name, there's a possibility of taking her private
Fanbox banned her Maybe Mama went into her name and judged her incest I'm not going to draw her from now on because I can't gamble dangerously by drawing this character again. Pixiv's guidelines have many ambiguities, so even if she changes her name, there's a possibility of taking her private
And I don't think I can put in qos either I think this is also subject to regulation.

I can darken men's skin color, but I don't think I can put in any qos mark anymore, and even Patricia seems to have regulations related to this, so I won't do anything dangerous
But I'm glad that uterine tattoos and piercings are a kind of taste and don't seem to be subject to regulation.



What is Patricia?


That's super disappointing. Is there no way to continue drawing her here?


About Qos I have an advice. I saw you put compressed files both on Patreon and Fanbox. So maybe you can just put it in the compressed files as an option,and not show it outside on pixiv. Many r18g artists use this method to avoid examination. I like the tattoo and I hope you will not give up todraw it.


I can't draw it due to regulations If I make a request reward for a specific person that I was thinking of making before, it's possible, but I don't know if the person applying will ask me to draw her, either


It's possible because they don't get a warning mail from Pixiv like me That method officially violates Pixiv's policy, which is a very dangerous method


That may be you put the qos tag with your work on pixiv. I mean you can hide the qos in the compressed files. Only those who pay you can see it.


What does that mean? Is that a commission for someone? One idea is that you just include her as a reward on a hosting site for fanbox, and just not post her drawings there. Patreon should be fine with the posts. or could switch to fantia instead of fanbox if there are no issues there?


It may also be a good idea to move away from pixiv then, because the regulations may only get worse in the future too.


There are many artists who post pictures without mosaic through such methods, but I mean that it is impossible Let me be clear, it's beyond Pixiv's guidelines. They're just not caught, and I'm in Pixiv's limelight Who will be responsible if I lose my pixiv ID using the same method?


I draw up to 9 people a month and if only one of them picks Patrion, serious equity issues arise. That would give Patrion nine and Fanbox eight rewards. If you were a fanbox customer would you sponsor a writer who discriminates against you?


What do you mean by getting out of pixiv? Is there a site where I can post pictures other than that? Plus I'm already tweeting but that doesn't help It's all because of damn regulations The only fundamental problem is the world going crazy


I check the pixiv regulation. And there is no ban about qos. Maybe you get warning because of Gahamama and incect.By the way, if there is no problem of qos, I still hope to see it in your work. That's all decided by yourself.


Honestly the regulation is ambiguous It's not perfect Even if qos doesn't mention it directly It's just Pixiv's mind The regulation is very broad And they just regulate it on appropriate excuses if they don't like it And they're being told on this site that qos talks racism and there's been a controversy. Is there a law that Japan doesn't think so? That's why I can't draw it. Japan is changing Because I want to continue this work, I have no choice but to paint as non-discriminatory as possible Later, if the world changes normally, I will also draw various pictures again, and until then, I have to endure and persevere I'm sorry.


For some contents on fanbox and not on patreon, I've seen that before, and usually as long as supporters are informed, they will understand that it is site restrictions. Not sure if Fantia has these issues but I have not seen it yet. I don't think there's a site that's better than pixiv for visibility, but twitter or nijie is what I have seen. But again, if the site is preventing you from drawing what you would like to, you should consider using it less (or switch) since you should draw what you like. Like I said pixiv may get even worse.


There's also DeviantArt and Artstation you can check them out 😊


By the way, I still don't understand that if you don't put anything about qos on pixiv, only to put it in Patreon and Fanbox compressed files or Psd files will be ok? Pixiv don't know you draw qos at all!


It will take a lot of time to solve the problem, unfortunately, but thank you for your advice


I really do hope you find a solution and you can continue draw gahamama, she is one of my favorites and I love the way you draw her.


The compressed file is also checked in the fan box. Writers who don't get caught are just lucky people, but interested writers check compressed files. The problem is that I'm already getting their attention, but I think it would be better to add a qos mark to the psd among the methods you mentioned, I'll put a qos mark on the psd file the next time I draw a black character


Maybe put qos option only on Patreon? I remember Fanbox files are censored, so add a little more differences between Fanbox and Patreon might be ok?


That's ok.Whatever you do,if you can draw qos and I will support you.


That’s sad


Wow someone really has it out for you...


That's terrible to hear, I always liked your Gahamama pictures. I do hope we get other milfs instead of her like Komi Shuuko, Kali Belladonna, Uzaki Tsuki in the future.