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She should have been used to the cold by now.

The ambient chill in the air was ever-present, and had been since Shanx first invited her up here. Yet even after three years, this place still raised her skin and stung her most sensitive places… just like he did.

Dezra felt herself smirk.  

Everything about Shanx was sharp, cold, and uncomfortable– not unlike the glittering, jutting crystals that adorned most of his lair. They, like everything else he owned, seemed to radiate a sort of quiet regality– one that hinted at his insatiable appetite for… anything more than what he already had.

Maybe that’s why she tolerated all of this. If anyone had earned a night off from a hard day’s work, it was him. And she didn’t need to do much of anything to make his night special.

In fact, all he wanted was for her to enjoy her snack while he enjoyed his.

The devil crossed her arms and tried to relax, letting the chilly surface of the coffee table work its magic on the front of her naked body. The ambient temperature of this place made the glass feel like a slab of ice. She could feel her nipples beading against it and numbing up, encouraging her to hiss and arch against the table until another sharp chill slapped her ass.

Dezra looked back, squinting expectantly as the teal wolf emptied a pint of ice cream onto her backside. The smell of coffee beans wafted in to overpower the smell of steak and potatoes.

“Oh… you celebratin’?” She asked. It wasn’t like him to bring out the ice cream first. Ice cream was usually reserved for when he’d finished the appetizer and started digging into her.

Something must’ve gone really well somewhere.

While he indulged in his coffee-flavored treat, Dezra found herself wondering about what he, or any of his cohorts were actually up to. Since they’d returned from their “business trip,” they were all particularly tight-lipped around her. The civet and the lynx were hanging around a lot more often nowadays– and even the bartender seemed quieter than usual.

Instead of spoiling the mood with a question he probably wouldn’t answer directly, Dezra focused on the scent of freshly popped popcorn. It was buttered and salted, just the way she liked it, and it warmed her paws as she took a handful to quiet her intrusive thoughts.

Everything about that trip smelled of suspect. He hadn’t provided any real explanation before disappearing, nor had he taken anything that she might’ve considered important for a business trip overseas… except the redhead. She didn’t make it back.

Dezra chuckled to herself, having been tickled by both Shanx’s spoon and the idea of Sevira getting the boot. She’d been waiting a long time for that, and as long as Sevira wasn’t here, Dezra had very little to worry about regarding Shanx’s outings.

Her smile spread.

Since lying down, she’d finally felt something akin to comfort– as if the cold glass had finally started to warm beneath her. It was much easier to relax knowing she was gone. There would be no more competition, and she could bask in the idea that she’d be the only one Shanx drooled over like this.

With the Crystal Club’s cameras off for the night, the venue closed, and all the lights dim– there was very little else to distract her from the sounds of Shanx’s ravenous slurping, reminding her of what the rest of the night had in store. Nights like this typically ended one of two ways, and a warmth built in her cheeks as she considered her options.

With the ice cream already starting to melt, she visualized his tongue dipping in between her thighs in pursuit of it. Her body quivered with anticipation, still shivering from the tickling sensation of sticky, sweet syrup as it slid down and over her full-figured curves.

Dezra bit her lower lip and rubbed her thighs together. It wouldn’t be long before he finished with that spoon…

And suddenly, she felt herself flinch. Dezra intimately recognized the sound of the icy loft’s door as it casually and unceremoniously swung open.

Dezra whipped around to lock eyes with the intruder, completely snapped out of her dreamy haze. Immediately unnerved, the rest of the frigid chill gradually ebbed away as a wave of furious heat washed over her.

“The phuck you noin’ uf here?”

She didn’t get a chance to vocalize her upset before Shanx spoke up. He hadn’t said a word since he put on his plushy robe and asked her to the table. She’d figured his mouth was still full by the sound of his voice.

The smoky lynx stepped over the threshold, playfully pretending to gag as he set eyes on the couple.

It wasn’t anything he hadn’t seen before, really. He snickered and gestured back the way he’d come, pointing to the venue downstairs.

“Aye yall’ stop bein’ nasty for like two seconds, I got somethin’ good.”

Shanx squinted at his nephew, having almost forgotten that he would be sifting through the security footage tonight.

“Riiiight…” The teal wolf swallowed the melted cream and wiped his lips. He considered his response for a moment before pointing a clawed digit at the exit.

“Fuck you want me to do about it? Go get the fairy to deal with it.  I’m off and I’m tryna get nasty with my woman. Get out.” He barked.

Dezra said nothing, more preoccupied with her attempts to decipher the intricacies of whatever it was they’d been up to for the last few months. Surely this had something to do with it.

Unfortunately for her, the conversation was short and sweet– just like any others that concurred in her presence. She mumbled a curse to herself.

Flair rolled his eyes and sighed, unmoved by the blasé dismissal.

“Fine whateva... But don’t get mad at me if it takes a hundred years. Silver’s been avoidin’ me.”

“Get the fuck out!” Shanx snapped, threatening to get up from the comfort of his chair. Instead of following through, he flung the spoon at the smoky creature and watched him skillfully dodge the projectile before disappearing through the door–slamming it shut.

A moment of awkward silence passed in the darkness of the room.

“Now where was I?” The wolf mused, bringing a claw to his chin in thought.

“Oh yeah. Roll over.”

*Alts coming soon, but get a sneak peek of what they'll look like in the timelapse for this version here 
