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From where he sat on the spread, Chrysante eyed his boyfriend curiously.

It wasn’t like him to be so apprehensive about initiating a conversation.

He was 'Crooked'.

He was the guy known to bait words like fishing hooks, and pull interaction out of thin air like a magician with a white rabbit.

He was THE provocateur--and on a typical day, Chrysante would have had no problems pitching intimate questions and breaching every personal boundary between him and his answer.

But he could never do that with Vance. Vance was…something else.

He hadn’t stuttered when he asked his question, but his baritone voice was pitched higher than usual as he nervously shot in the dark.

He’d have to approach him differently.

“Soooo… we ever gonna talk about that uh…”

The civet shifted uncomfortably, running his hand over the satin sheets of the California king as he coyly pondered his next words. He’d been meaning to ask Vance about that night for a while and all but forgot about the question burning a steady hole in the back of his mind.  

Until now that is. Being in Vance’s bed-- a bed just as large as the one of VelvetVixx’s set-- suddenly brought it back to the forefront of his mind.

It had been a while since their pornographic debut, and neither of them spoke a word about the production since it ended. It was as if their movie had never come to be... As if Vance didn’t become a completely different person in the blink of an eye.

“....Buckstaff guy?”

Vance’s tufted ears twitched at the mention of that name. He said nothing but cast a side eye at his companion, uncertain of how to really answer a question like that out of nowhere.

“....what about him?”

Chrysante felt relief leave his lungs. He exhaled sharply, satisfied that we wouldn’t have to make the attempt to describe whatever it was he saw in his boyfriend. His eyes seemed to light up at the permission to continue his line of questioning, and he scooted closer to where the hyena lazily reclined.

“Well for starters. He’s a fantastic kisser.”

Chrysante allowed a familiar smirk to creep upon his face and leaned into the split between Vance’s legs.  He nestled his hips to settle in around his companion’s ankles, slyly ogling the look of the hyena in his boxers.

“It’s a travesty that you don’t do it more often, V. Seriously.”

Chrys narrowed his eyes playfully and pursed his lips.

“I’d marry you if that’s what I’d be signing up for…. and you know how I feel about that deathtrap.”

Vance practically rolled his eyes at his partner’s theatrics. He pulled himself from his pillow and leaned up to meet Chrysante's eye level.

“Savour the moment. I was acting.”

His voice was as monotone as always, expression static and form unflinching while he casually dashed his boyfriend’s hopes. He pursed his lips a little watching the civet melodramatically recoil from the figurative blow to his playful plea.

Chrysante pressed his paws to his chest and forced a sob.

“C’mon V… Tyrone’s in there somewhere. He kissed. He kissed hard, and he was as into it as I was. You really gonna tell me you don’t like it? That juicy mouth magic wasn’t even IN the script and you practically ate my face.”

Vance’s nostril flared at those words and his lips twisted as if the smell of something foul wafted in. Ignoring the subtle turning of his stomach, he propped himself up to entertain the rest of their chat.

“I figured you’d know what it means to play a role, given how full the closet is. Tyrone was my role in that movie. I studied for it. That’s all.”

Chrysante snorted out loud.

“Pffft, I’m sure you make a habit of watching all types of tutorials. I bet you can tie cherry stems and everything-- you’re just keepin’ it from me to make me beg. Some friend you are, extorting me like this.”

“I do like it when you beg… but that’s not it.” The hyena mused. If I wanted to make you beg, I could get you to beg.”

Chrysante raised an eyebrow and sucked at his teeth.

“Tch. Not anymore. You used to worry me, but I already know you’re not gonna do anything wild. Long past are the days of uncertainty and mystery, Mr. Hayze. I know all about you and what lies behind your resting bitch face.”

He leaned in a little more, and dropped his voice to a purr… “Between you and me, it’s nowhere near as sexy as your smile, though. Can I at least have one of those?”

For a moment, Vance considered taking the rather obvious bait.

While he could probably muster up the courage to kiss the civet without wanting to vomit, he wasn’t about to give him the satisfaction of getting his way with that-- Chrysante would never take no for an answer again if he had.

His persistence was as annoying as it was endearing.

“My resting bitch face isn’t a curtain.” He said, framing the phrase with air quotes. “This is how I look, and I’d smile more if I had the reason.”

Chrysante settled back into a sitting position and pouted, displeased by the blasé response. “That’s lame, V.  You can’t fake one?”

“Nope.” Vance replied.

“Not even if I beg?”

Chrysante’s mane stiffened when he felt the firm grip on his chest. So preoccupied with his interrogation, he nearly lost his balance as his entire body jerked forward to meet the hyena’s eye level again.

Vance allowed his lips to curl into something of a grin...

“I don’t need you to beg.”
