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"Shhh.... what if someone sees?"

"C'mon, no one's gonna come by here. It's gettin' dark. Trust me."

"You said that last time."

"Yeah, and? My partner's not gonna squeal. I told ya, I got it covered. Sides, he owes me one."

"One for what?"

"Shhhhhhhh, I thought you wanted to be quiet? Now, just relax. Close your eyes... let me just..."

"OW! Dexter!"

"That's NOT... right. Sorry. What can I say? It's real hard to go slow when you look so appetizin'"

Amelia allowed her eyes to close shut, and before long she felt herself melting into his lap while his tongue wound circles over her breasts. He'd bitten her once already, but even with her ears pert and listening for any oncoming sounds, she found it a little hard to focus on anything but the lynx.

He was always so hungry with her, so recklessly insistent as he tasted and fondled every inch of her softness. He seemed to take a lot of pleasure in her agreement to join him for lunch-- and now that she knew what that meant, her stomach was butterflies and her appetite was nonexistent.

His seemed just fine.

As he mouthed her, his bristles seemed to stoke the tiny barbs already stiffened by the couple's delinquency-- and she felt him flinch as he pricked himself.

"Oh, I--!"

Amelia hadn't meant to do that... but it was hard calming down when so much could go wrong with this. She opened her eyes and bashfully turned away.


The lynx shot her a challenging look and wound his clawed hand underneath her. He pressed his fingertips into her thighs, wordlessly restraining her from squirming away and off her perch.

"S'alright." He purred back. His eyes were intense as he stared up at her. "It's cute, seein' you all scared. Think I'm gonna let anybody see you like this?"

He let the question hang in the air and let a smile creep onto his bronzed muzzle.

"Nah, this?

He slipped her peachy nipple into his mouth to gently suckle, lulling her back into comfort. He kept his bright magenta hues trained on her expression, and just as her red lips curled into a smile, he pinched her between his fangs and bit down.

"Dissh Ish mne!"

Amelia's quills seemed to sharpen at that moment, and he felt every one of her prickly needles as they shot into his skin. He paid the stinging assault no mind, however, he was more preoccupied with what sounded like a slip of his girlfriend's tongue.

His tufted ears went erect. "What's that? You gonna swear, now?"

His smile spread wider, practically splitting his face.

"C'mon Pinky, let's hear it. It's only you and me, no one's gotta know."

He began tugging her gently, now digging his claws in.

"Be bad for me... you know you wanna..."

Amelia bit her tongue, feeling the words practically oozing over her lips...




You make such fantastic lewds Twiggy. They look so cozy and naughty!