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The water was warmer today...

Or rather it felt that way with the red blush tinting scaly maiden's cheeks. Everything felt warmer with Von around, and as Sakura loomed over her most trusted friend, she quietly pondered exactly how one so menacious could give her such happy, tingly feelings.

One look at Von was usually enough to unsettle most folk. His long, spindly tentacles were ominous as they writhed and coiled on their own accord, and should he want to, those venomous stingers were enough to put down her and anyone else. She recalled imagining herself tangled in them countless times-- helpless and at his mercy. 

Those thoughts were rarer now.


Sakura gasped aloud, feeling the subtle quiver in her belly--no doubt a response to Von's singing and 'decorating'. He'd been an omnipresent shadow since she first realized they were going to be parents-- and their little one clearly enjoyed his company as much as she did.

He'd spent all day in the reef finding shiny and colorful knickknacks to hold to Sakura's belly. Von just had to know which his son or daughter would prefer so he could prepare a little more thoroughly for their arrival.

"How about this one, huh? It's a star! You like stars? Or maybe shiny rocks?"

When she felt him jab her through the star-shaped creature he'd so hastily scooped off the seafloor, Sakura smiled and put aside her worry. He was always so gentle...

No matter what she felt he could or would do, Von never let himself hurt her. Not with his fangs. Not with his claws, Not with his venom. As careless as he often was, he seemed meticulous about that.

Maybe that's why she always felt so at ease despite the clear danger he posed.

Sakura's eyes softened at the idea of being a parent. Between the two hybrids, their child's makeup would be something of a mystery. Porcupus, cuttleskunk--or maybe something in between. Worrying about gender seemed silly in comparison, and they would be happy raising either. It truly didn't matter.

But, it wouldn't hurt to know anyway, right? <3
