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It was something she thought impossible for a man like him. Always so quiet, so deliberate. Even his feral outbursts were a rare enough occasion. But never had she guessed he could actually shed them.

Sabrine could only stand there, and awkwardly place a hand on his crossed arms. They were always crossed somehow-- as if subconsciously guarding whatever heart he may have had buried beneath that chest fur.

Those folded arms reminded her that this misting creature was indeed Shadow. Her Shadow. Always so mysterious, she never really knew what to say to him alone like this. Let alone what she'd say after she finally got hold of the last shred of his best and probably only friend. The USB was a hard gift to find, but she found it nonetheless.

Maria's video diary...

"You're welcome."
She softly whimpered, fighting back tears of her own. "I just had a feeling you'd appreciate it more than anyone else could."

She said nothing more. The smile on his face was enough to show his gratitude.



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