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Vance tapped his foot against the ridiculously clean linoleum beneath the dark pads of his bare paws. He glanced around wordlessly, standing idly as busybodies with cameras and trays of makeup bustled about the studio setting. He'd absentmindedly watched a few of his fellow... 'actors' and 'actresses' pass by in various stages of dress, not quite certain of what to do with himself in a place like this.

Admittedly, he expected worse. It seemed his peers kept in only the best shape as far as this studio was concerned, so seeing the men or even the women naked wasn't a chore. In fact, he felt a little like he was at the gym. A naked gym...that smelled of lube and sex rather than sweat and hair gel. Hell, had it not been for the AC running, the humidity hanging in the air would have made it feel just like a bike room.

The hyena shimmied around on the couch he was provided. He blew at his bangs wistfully while he waited for the director or whoever to give him his lines.

Apparently, he'd been cherry-picked for a threesome scene whose proceeds he was told would benefit the Crystal Club. Had he not told his boss about this side gig, he would have never known Shanx had his paws in the legal adult entertainment world. In fact, it surprised him. Not only did the wolf seem eager to accommodate Vance's request for a day off, but he'd even gone through the trouble of getting Vance some... enhancement pills. Had Vance
given it a little more thought, he might've thought it was odd that his boss had them on hand.  Then again, Shanx was a drug dealer, so perhaps he'd figured Vance would need them if a woman would be involved. Besides, if Vance didn't perform, the club didn't get the rings... and Shanx liked rings.


Vance's ear tufts twitched at the call elsewhere on the set. The sound of rough sex and crude language stopped instantly and was soon replaced by friendly workplace chatter.

"Ok, get the next set ready, we don't have all day people. Sex is money, get it moving."

Vance chuckled to himself. According to the schedule, his scene was up next. He drew a short breath before sinking back into the seat, spreading his legs so that the chilled air could reach beneath the white terry cloth of his robe. As he waited for the script, he resigned himself to the mercy of the director and his set partners.

"Oh, lookie who we have....here."

Sevira's hips swayed as she swaggered in soon after.  She was right on cue, eyebrows raised and a cheeky smirk on her tanned muzzle. She recognized that silhouette. It was much too large to be Lux, and not quite beefy enough to be Tony.

"Do I see Vance on the casting couch? What an honor."

Her voice oozed a playful schmooze as she quickly shuffled to his side for a closer look. Her face lit up and she leaned in, looming over the armrest without invitation. She was nearly nose to nose with the handsome hyena, and clutched her black robe betwixt her manicured claws, leaving plenty of cleavage for his eye. "So... Chrys, finally brought you into the fray, huh? What did it cost him? Did he tell you about his little fantasy?”

Vance could smell her before he could see her. The medley of whatever fragrances they had picked out for the fox was loud in this proximity, but not quite offensive. He furrowed his brow as she spoke to him.  Every word had the tone of his usual admirers at the bar, provoking him to casually roll his eyes and force one of his best smiles.

"He didn't convince anyone." He replied matter of factly.  "My boss. Your business partner gave the green light. What's good for the Crystal Club is good for me."

Vance gave an assertive nod and fixed his gaze beyond her clamoring cleavage, training his deadpan stare elsewhere around the set.  "Chrys tends to have many fantasies." He threw his right leg over his knee, hiking the robe up so that the tip of his member peeked against his thigh. Two could play the cleavage game, he figured. "So, what's on the menu for today, what type of scene are we doing?"

Sevira took a moment to admire the ‘cleavage,’ visibly tilting her head on her open palm to take it all in. It was nice from the little she could see, nothing she hadn't seen before in her line of work, but still easily castable from here. She nudged his white fabric back with the tip of her unoccupied finger as she pondered his question.

"Y'know, I haven't a clue.  I was told I'd be doing a threesome, so beyond that, I didn't bother asking. I decided it was more important to prep just in case... you know how that goes." Sevira waved her hand to dismiss the thought and looked around at a few of her co-stars.

As far as she could see, no one here would really fit between a gay top and a dominatrix. She offered a bemused smirk. "A-Are you sure Shanx wasn't drunk when set this up?" I don't think we're in the same scene.  No offense cutie, but we don't really work together....unless."

If Vance had it in him to emote the way he wanted, he would have visibly cringed at the woman touching his robe. "Of course he was drunk. He's always drunk." The hyena flatly replied. "I wasn't aware that he'd had a hand in organizing this, but a threesome sounds right. I recall hearing it's a peer pressure skit. Of course, I don't know all the details because--"

He was cut off by two short stacks of paper being haphazardly tossed into his lap.

"Right on time..." Vance murmured, now finding it appropriate enough to push her hand away. He dug into the small pockets of the robe, procuring the two pills he'd been given earlier. He immediately recognized the purple tabs.

'Pheromesia' they called it.... a new drug from the Alley synthesized by Shanx's own hands and replicated en masse. Suddenly, his boss's out-of-character mannerisms made a bit more sense. Supposedly, Pheromesia was an aphrodisiac sourced from lagomorphs, and from the stories he'd heard, it could very well help him out here--especially if the vixen was truly his co-star. 

Vance popped the pills as if they were candy while he leafed through the small packet. At first, he found himself grimacing as he read the ridiculously cheesy lines under his breath.

"...Girl and boy tailholes feel the same...?"

He cocked a brow as he read the line again and again. It sounded too ridiculous to even consider speaking out loud. In fact, every attempt to vocalize the line was hampered by a silent chuckle.

"Ahh it's one of those." He said, with a nod. "Slut best friend convinces her gay friend to share his...bull?" At least that was what was written on the back of his pamphlet, obviously to clarify for people like him. Yet he remained uncertain.  Certainly, Sevira understood the lingo if she was as sharp as he'd heard.

"Do I...Is there a costume related to this? Especially... if uh...I'm the..bull?" He said the last of his words with finger quotes. "Maybe an oversized nose ring, or harness. I know harnesses are popular in this line of work."

Sevira looked at him flatly, her nose turning up oh so slightly at his summary of the script. In disbelief, the vixen slid closer to sneak a peek from overhead and nearly dropped her jaw. Now that she was engrossed in the script, she paid very little mind to his aversive shuffle. Her pale green eyes were glued to the cliche dialogue and the melodramatic prose, and as she hastily consumed the page, her cheeky expression gradually became one of irritation. "Costume.... no."  Her voice was low. She stifled a growl and whipped away from the larger male, nearly knocking the pages from his lap to the floor in her haste. "...and I don't think Shanx set this up on his own."

Vance backed into the sofa just in time to avoid his papers being swept away by the woman. A tiny smirk crept onto his face as he watched her hurricane about, destroying interns and cameramen alike. He'd heard through bar talk that female porn stars were known for their tempers-- something that personally flabbergasted him. How could you have a temper in a job where you literally get to have sex most of your workday? As her ranting and ravings grew distant, he sunk back into his previous sitting position, slouching slightly as he continued leafing through his lines.

"Where the FUCK is he?!"

Sevira's ordinarily seductive chime became a booming stereo as she tore through the hallway on her heels. She had all eyes on her fiery form as she stomped towards the dressing rooms, interrogating every actor, fluffer, and intern that had the misfortune of getting in her way.


Sevira's yelling echoed throughout the studio's interior, alerting most of the occupants of her disdain with her 'friend'  as she moved to break down the door. Fortunately for everyone, it was already open-- allowing her to see Chrysante sat comfortably on his stool, eyeing himself in the mirror and teasing at his chest fuzz.  As she entered, he smiled coyly at her through the glass.

"Don't tell me you're mad..." He touched a finger to his chin, feigning innocence as she angrily stared him down. "I mean... it's barely a secret anyway."

The vixen had a fire in her eyes, her fangs gritted together and mouth nearly foaming. She told him about that daydream in confidence. For Chrys to pitch it to Guy behind her back was low—even for him.

Chrysante didn’t seem fazed by her anger, though. In fact, he seemed filled with pride by her upset, cheerily spinning around on his stool so that he faced her. “C'mon Smooch, you don’t wanna ruin it, do you?” The civet rose gracefully, tucking his satin robe around his limber, lithe physique and sweeping his limp tail behind him. It took him only a few moments to reach his friend and softly touched a paw to her beauty-marked cheek.

As if expecting her retaliation, he swiftly moved it just as she slapped it away.


She was still upset, though not nearly as much as before since being touched. “C’moooon….” he cooed “…you can’t pretend like you don’t want this. You already told me you did.” He allowed a moment of silence to linger in the air while he focused his eyes over her shoulder. “You get to help me test a theory, and you get to try him out... once. Win-win.” The civet patted her rear playfully and slid past without another word, hoping to sneak up on the hyena he knew was somewhere beyond the dressing rooms.  

Once he caught sight of the majestic creature in his natural element, Chrysante perched himself just outside of the lounge, just watching.

Long past the point of just inaudibly reciting his lines, Vance was fully immersed in the scene playing out in his head. He began moving his body-- first in subtle gestures, as he attempted to dissect the role. A known perfectionist, it wasn't long before Vance allowed the role to consume him completely.  

Gradually, he'd begun pacing back and forth, miming the scene. From the faces he was supposed to make, to the sounds, he'd all but become the character, albeit just out of earshot.  Staff members stole chuckles when they saw him, though he'd also receive the occasional nod or a shake of the head in second-hand embarrassment.

Vance didn't care. Right now he was “Tyrone”.

Tyrone. A name so stereotypically clichè that had he not been so preoccupied, Vance might have outright refused to take it.

Chrys bit his lower lip in anticipation as he looked on. Vance was a natural at this despite his clumsy movements, and completely unmoved by the attention he’d gathered now that the entire room had started watching. As badly as the civet wanted to disrupt Vance’s zen and show him how popular he’d gotten, he didn’t have it in him. Instead, he sidled close and recited a line from the script he'd spent most of the day studying.

“Just this once Ty….” he whispered. “We’re best friends and we share everything…”

At this point, Vance was so deep into his own head that he could barely remember where he was. 'Thrust, pull, smack, repeat.' He thought silently as he rode the air.

"...That's right, take this big black di--."

His monologue was interrupted by Chrys' words and suddenly the world he created in his head collapsed and he came crashing down.

"Huh, what? Who's Ty-- oh."

He placed a paw on his forehead and shook his head. His brown locks, hanging loosely from his hair tie, swished back and forth over his broad shoulders.

"Ugh..." He grumbled. "Why exactly am I doing this again?..." His question was largely rhetorical. He knew why he'd considered the offer--the Crystal Club was important to him.
More importantly, though, was the rising heat in his chest that seemed to come out of nowhere. The Pheromisia was promising, it seemed. He strategically avoided eye contact with the civet,  pretending to look for the director.

"So, when am I up? Where's the schedule guy?"

Chrysante’s rounded ears fell immediately after witnessing the scene drop. He didn’t mean to ruin Vance’s concentration, and what’s worse is that he was hoping to play along for a while. Nevertheless, the civet was still proud to see his boyfriend had taken such a shine to the set. He didn’t appear nervous at all, just a little antsy-- a little out of step for Vance, but that was to be expected on a porn set.

His blue eyes dropped to the slight tenting behind the hyena's robe, and he slowly wrapped his arms around his boyfriend’s waist, hugging him from behind. “Guy’s in the back getting his hair curled. I passed him on my way here. Probably talking with Sevira.” He dropped his paws low enough to brush the bulging under the hyena's robe. “Relax. I’m sure we’ll be getting started soon.”

"So...the script."

Sevira maintained her even tone as she stood behind the pompous hound, eyeing yet another copy of the script with a scowl. “Chrys gave you the idea for it right?… In exchange for a drug contact?” She narrowed her eyes at the back of his head, aware that her ex-boss wasn’t really listening to her. She sighed out loud and baited a reply with the one topic she knew would get his attention.

“So, I take it Lux is still on vacation then...?”

The poodle had been in front of his vanity, grooming himself and humming the most cheerful tune he knew. He wasn't caught up enough to not notice the stormy vixen behind him and cut his eyes to the side as if he could see her in his peripheral.  

"Lux is still on vacation and thank Gaia he is. That stupid, sexy mink was starting to cost more than we thought." The poodle said nonchalantly as he fluffed his pink fur. "Don't worry about it hun, the script is gold. We're bringing a taste of amateur into the business... people love filth they can relate to."

He slowly spun around in his stool and rubbed his paws together greedily. "Besides, Vance out there is our ticket to going international." He half whispered giddily. He sprung up from his seat and strode up and past Sevira, wagging a digit for her to follow him.

"Now look, I know you're choosey Foxy baby, but this will be good for both of us, I guarantee it." He turned his head to give her a reassuring wink before walking out onto set to finalize details with cameramen, leaving Sevira to her own devices.

Back in the lounge, Vance was having a hard time listening to Chrysante prattle on. The Pheromesia was kicking in now, and it was more than evident why he was chosen to 'test' it. It was getting hard to concentrate now. His mouth had begun to salivate and it took every effort he had to bring himself back down to Mobius.

"Ugh, it's hot..."

His words were few, having completely disregarded whatever his boyfriend had been talking about. The cool AC wasn't nearly as effective as before, and the sweat budding on his fur had begun to make things unbearable--at least until the poodle made his rounds again, indicating that it was time to start shooting.

"Says in the script I'm supposed to walk in on a...s-steamy conversation between you and your pal, so I'll leave you to it."

The strain in Vance's words did not slip past the civet, though he didn't remark on it.  
Instead, Chrysante shrugged and made his way to the relatively well-furnished set. He plopped down on the downy comforter and sucked at his fangs, slowly shimmying out of his satin robe as Sevira made her way onto the set.

He watched her with a smirk, nearly snickering out loud as he dressed for the scene. She wore in pigtails... completely unexpected, but obviously Guy's doing. Everyone knew Guy had a thing for the "youthful" look, and when her robe hit the floor he was certain that the poodle had masterminded her outfit.

A pair of skin-tight booty shorts clung to her rounded rear, and a funky neon halter top hung lazily from her shoulders. He couldn't help but notice the black thong that she subtly tugged at, and shot her an expectant look. Admittedly, his outfit wasn't much better. He was made to wear something similar, tight jean shorts, a tank top, and a tattered hoodie.

He sneered at the ensemble as he finished dressing. The script called for "boyish twink," but he felt like neither of those. He threw his head around to dishevel his normally tidy locks and collapsed on the bed in a position that looked as though he'd been lounging there for a while.

Sevira settled onto the floor, arching her back into the side of the bed for a more curvaceous look.  She bit her lips and wiggled her rear into her pose, fidgeting whilst she waited for Guy to call out the start.







It's great to see this event play out


I still have a fair bit of it to post. A little nervous though because it's real nasty, lol