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I didnt realize this was the last episode :(((((((



Sweet Owl

Eleonor is dismissing the message because is based on what we can call a fantasy story made to scare, it would be like if I told you there is a Babau in your closet XD But Max is right in this occasion, the form of delivery of the message is not important, what matters is it's meaning: dissent on the streets. The whole Flint/Silver dialogue is pure bliss, poetry on a screen *-* I remember was a bit concearned the first time though, I love Silver so much but I was afraid he would act against Flint forcing me to pick a side, in which case I would have chose Flint. Love that Jack little laugh of satisfaction when his plan worked :D And yeah, Anne is amazing and beautiful ^.^ Aaaand so the legend begins! :D You reaction when you realized it was great XD Once you hear the name you think "Oh! How could have I know think about it before!" but actually, so many people who didn't read Treasure Island didn't realize who Silver was until that very moment. It's kinda sad that the name is known to so many people only because of a restaurant though :\ In case you didn't know or get it, the "Long" part of the name comes from the sentence he said back in the tavern: "My name is John Silver, and I have a long fucking memory".

Vera S

Just finished your reaction and I had a few more thoughts. Firstly, yes it is established in the show that Rogers has a wife at this point in time on the show. (Interestingly the real life Woodes Rogers had separated from his wife in 1713 I think, while this show is set in 1715.) Secondly I knew you would enjoy Hornigold's eventual demise. And I appreciated your view on how all the old pirates seem to be dying out and that new are on the rise. Cool perspective! Thirdly, and maybe this is a personal thing, but I wanted to say thank you for being a reasonable person regarding Eleanor. By which I mean I have watched some reactions on youtube that in the post 3x09 aftermath wished gruesome and detailed death upon Eleanor, which very quickly started to feel misogynistic in nature. Seeing the state of the world regarding femicide and intimate partner violence, those reactions and the comments soured me to the fandom a lot. Dislike her, I get that (she is one of my favourite characters, but not because I think she's a good person and I do not agree with her decisions, just find her arc interesting, more on that in s4), but those reactions made me feel uneasy. Your more nuanced take of simple dislike and wanting Eleanor to simply leave, made me feel a lot better in watching your reactions. So I wanted to say thank you as this feels like a lot safer of a space <3 Can't wait for s4! :)

Sweet Owl

I'll start by saying that I haven't read the comments you're talking about so you might be right (I imagine they're on Reddit, a platform I don't follow), what makes you think they're misogynistic in nature? Was it really that bad? Considering that she killed one of the most beloved characters of the show, is that so weird that people wished her dead because of it? I read many people wishing death towards Hornigold for exaple, but nobody thought it was misandry. And the guy got a lot of hate during the seasons. My point is, considering what she did throughout the show, I think it's quite ok to wish her death (maybe not gruesome and detailed, I suppose that is a bit extreme), not because she is a woman, but because of what she did. I want to believe that the vast majority of people are perfectly capable of distinguishing fiction from reality and that certain thoughts and/or desires towards fictional characters do not apply in real life. In Breaking Bad I cheered for Walter White from the beginning to the end, even if he was a manipulative lier, a murderer and a drug lord. I didn't care if he killed innocent people or hurt a child, because he was a cool character and all of that wasn't real. If it was, my thoughts would have been the complete opposite. This isn't to say that you're wrong, I'm playing devil's advocate a bit here because even though it's undeniable that misogyny and feminicides exist and are a problem (but to be honest in recent years so is misandry, especially in the US from what I see), it seems to me that people are often labeled in a certain way every time they open their mouth against a woman, a member of LGBTQ or an ethnic minority, as if members of these categories can never be put in discussion. PS: I don't hate Eleonor, I did at first but after rewatching the show several times I changed my mind about her. I'm still totally against her after S2 because I'm with the pirates, but I understand better her actions and motivations.