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I honestly thought today was Thrusday???? I have 0 sense of time (:



Megan Brennan

I really liked that we saw a lot of Anne’s vulnerability in this episode because we don’t always get to see that. Also silver saying “I have half a mind to wonder if you didn't orchestrate this whole thing to your advantage” to flint about the gold disappearing and then revealing to max at the end that he lied about it being gone is so funny to me. An absolute menace 💀

Janet Ex

Oh wow! I did not catch that lmao yes he is and it makes him so great to watch xD

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

Billy fell.!!! This is my tv hill that I will die upon it!! If Flint had dropped him, he’d just tell him he did, and then he would explain why he did it. Plus, whenFlint and Miranda are arguing about her sending the letter, Flint very specifically said to her, “but if not for dumb luck,” when talking to her about Billy falling in. He has ZERO reasons to lie to her. He would just straight up tell her, “you were stupid and I had to kill one of my men because of it.” But he didn’t. Billy fell in! Thank you for coming to my TED talk 🙂