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Happy Mmonday!! 



Nolan schwab

Another great reaction! And another great episode. I can’t overstate how much this show is my favorite show lol it was so unfortunate that it got overshadowed by Game of Thrones when it aired. The acting and writing on this show is phenomenally done. I don’t understand how they weren’t nominated for any awards for either category. I like how you noticed Jack’s little smile he put on his face when Vane asked to him to 😂 The little details the actors put into their performances is amazing! Vane is definitely a bad ass, his speech to Ned Low is amazing. He truly is a proper pirate, as much as he was looking out for Eleanor, he still secured a prize for his crew. As always I love the flashbacks and getting a better understanding of who Flint is. Another example of how great the writing and set design is on this show is the scene with Flint or James McGraw talking with Thomas Hamilton about Nassau. When Miranda comes in and her and James joke about Thomas she hands Flint a book and says “this might be helpful with dealing with my Husband going forward.” Thomas says “well played dear”… the book she hands James is called “Don Quixote” by Miguel De Cervantes which is a story about a man who loses his sanity and starts a quest to revive chivalry and bring justice. So in this case Thomas with his vision of Nassau. And then the adjective “Quixotic” which comes from Don Quixote essentially means “To be foolishly impartial, especially in the pursuit of ideals” So Miranda is telling a clever joke about her husband using a book to James. And then the next scene is Flint looking through the books on the Spanish man of war and finding a book called La Galatea which is by the same author Miguel De Cervantes… which is a story about two men in love with a woman, and one of the men is rural but very eloquent (Flint) and the other man is of her same station (Thomas)….This just shows how much detail these writers put into this show! Was so amazed to learn about this, I also love the idea that throughout all the years from the flashback to present day and all that’s changed about Flint and Miranda and there’s clearly a lot that’s changed…they still speak to each other through their book choices. Just shows how strong their bond is even more. I Know this is very long, but I love talking about this show lol

Janet Ex

Trust me I appreciate your comment! lol never worry about the length because it gives me a chance to know details I otherwise wouldn't as well as a view into different perspectives (:

Tyrone Tyrone

Now that you mention it, the speeches in this show are GREAT. And Flint isn't the only one who can make a speech.