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Hi guys! I just wanted to ask if ya'll watch anime as well? I missed out on Attack on titan and Spyxfamily when i came out and would love to record it for yall as well. Let me know suggestions or what you guys think! :D



I haven't seen AOT, but SpyxFamily is really good. Can't wait to rewatch again. I recommend Demon Slayer , Jujuitsu Kaisen, and Food Wars.

Sweet Owl

Attack on Titan is definitely worth watching. I would also suggest Gankutsuou (24 ep.), it's a futuristic reinterpretation of The Count of Monte Cristo and it's a visual masterpiece, the art is based on Gustav Klimt. By what I've seen of you so far, I'm pretty sure you would love it.

Javier S

Both AOT and SpyxFamily are great choices. I would start with Spy since it's a shorter series.