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February 1 Feature Poll

  • New Boss, whose level is a private prison you can use once you defeat her 186
  • 'Lairs' with minibosses, one per floor, and clearing the floor lets you use it as a base 92
  • 2024-02-02
  • 278 votes
{'title': 'February 1 Feature Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'New Boss, whose level is a private prison you can use once you defeat her', 'votes': 186}, {'text': "'Lairs' with minibosses, one per floor, and clearing the floor lets you use it as a base", 'votes': 92}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 2, 1, 41, 1, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 278}


Been trying to prioritize lately. Private Prison is turning out to be a huge multifaceted task, so I've split it up into two possibilities as to how to introduce the prisons to the player. I know people are waiting for new bosses, but I also had some ambitions about new map features instead. Ultimately I'd like to do both, but I'm suffering a bit of decision paralysis at the moment so I'd like some thoughts



To be honest, I'm struggling to imagine a use for bases on floors you have already cleared. Would they be like private prisons, or places where you could safely rest and restore mana? Would they carry over to NG+, or would you have to unlock them again?


You would be able to store things in them safely, place prisoners and guards in them to train the prisoners, and fast travel between bases using an elevator system


They probably wouldnt carry over to ng+ for the time being, since youd want to have new lairs to fight. But in the future there could be a basebuilding mechanic where you have your own private space


It might be more fun to have a base that you can return to between levels, a way to bank your progress/captives/etc.


In my opinion, base building is not at all the kind of game KD is, and it would induce feature creep... It would require the player to build a base, and ultimately to have it attacked by waves of enemies. Could be fun, but shoehorning it into KD would be a huge undertaking, I think. And I fail to see the kinky in that :)


To be honest, I love base-building game contents, it always nice to have something relaxed to do after all the fightings. and training permanent follower sounds amazing, Maybe in the future we can catch enemy like catching pokemon which has different fighting style and perks.


I’d say start with smaller bosses but skip the mini bases. Shall be easier and gets more content out. You can always build over it. But I would go with one big base. Unless there’s a reason to have multiple bases with real gameplay (not like Fallout 4 for example). It could turn into a Dungeon Keeper kind of game though, you take over and army of heroes goes after you. But it feels like very different game.

Hevensdragon .

I would love it if we could put one of those doll dressing assembly lines in, but that we could chose what each section equips, so we can just dump captives onto it and it strips and equips them before putting them in the cells.

Told King

More bosses and unlockable perks are always a welcomed thing