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Hi all, another update
- Added fullscreen and hi-res displacement map toggle

- Added dummies near the tutorial portal at the start of the game to suggest it is a training area

- Made the portals in the starting floor spin around and rotate to make them more portal-like

- Made it so loading in with modded restraints that dont exist anymore ideally shouldn't crash the game

- Fixed straitjackets not putting player arms forward

- Fixed game locking up when pressing 'skip' key in a text field

- Fixed a bug where arm cuffs were messing up glove sprites

- Copy paste buttons removed, replaced with text fields that update the state on paste/edit

- Added filter text field in wardrobe

- Corrected a number of graphical glitches

- Made some changes to slime layering

Install instructions:
Windows: Download one of the WinCore archives, unzip then move to the next step.
Linux (experimental): Download one of the LinuxCore archives, unzip then move to the next step

Both: Afterwards, unpack the 5.0.0RC7Core into the directory so package.nw is in the same folder as 'kinkydungeon.exe', then run 'kinkydungeon.exe'

In the future, you dont need to download the LinuxCore and WinCore, just the Core for the version number, but make sure to delete all files in package.nw before merging.


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