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Breaking Bad Reaction 3x3 [Early Access]



Cheating is wrong. They’re separated though, so doesn’t that mean they’ve broken up, even if they haven’t divorced yet? Skyler asked (or told) Walt to move out because of his innumerable lies and betrayals, then he forced his way back in, even though they hadn’t reconciled, and deliberately made her look like a psycho in front of that police officer by playing up the “good dad” bit. I get how painful it must have been for Walt to hear Skyler say she fucked Ted, but she didn’t lie to him about it, and I don’t actually think it’s worse than the combination of things he’s done to her and the danger he’s put their children in. Cartel members were in their house, with an ax, prepared to murder Walt (and presumably anyone who got in the way of accomplishing that). That’s 100% on him. To me, what Walt’s done is worse, if for no other reason, because he’s risking their children’s physical safety everyday. Just my opinion. Another great reaction though. Love hearing your takes on these situations.


IM 100% with you. She broke up with him, and literally handed him the divorce papers in which he refused to sign. The second she handed him those divorce papers and kicked him out she is no longer required to be loyal to him. Just because he didnt want to move on doesnt mean she is required to play the role as loving faithful wife. The only thing I can get her for is emotionally cheating on Walt with Ted before she had concrete evidence on Walts lies. Even up until the moment she told him she fucked Ted Walt was being manipulative. He invited his sons friend over for a family dinner knowing how their situation is. All the while he is playing the role of a great dad, and hoping since they have company Skylar will play pretend happy wife.

Craig Manning

I take Skylar's actions here as her "taking back some power" in the only way she thinks she has left (she still controls her body). Walt won't grant her a divorce, won't move out, has subtly allowed her family to be turned against her, hasn't apologized, and won't really listen to her at all --and expects her to carry on pretending everything is hunky dory. So her outlet in feeling trapped is infidelity, and turns the table in a way, like "I.f.t., now go act like everything is fine Walt"