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Hello everyone and welcome to new patrons signing up every day!

We're so appreciative of everyone who chooses to join us as we work to develop this channel and turn into something that we can commit to more often.

We wanted to give a brief background on where we are at with the channel so that you can know what our intentions are and where your support is going.

Right now in our lives, we are both pretty much maxed-out when it comes to our daily commitments, and this channel really is a passion project for us that we work extra hard to develop during whatever free time we have.

To clarify, Kailyn is a full-time university student in her 4th year out of 5, and Eric runs our media production company full-time, managing and directing our high value partnerships with local clients to produce their communications and marketing content.

We are both self-employed and have been for nearly the past decade.

With that in mind, we have to put in a lot of work to maintain our business, to support Kailyn's schooling, as well as be there on a regular basis for our two families and local community, to serve and be present and invested there as well.

All that said, this channel is a lot of extra work on top of it all, but we truly believe it is worth it.

We really would like to integrate it more regularly into our lives and maximize our video output so that we can be a positive presence for you and for the internet more broadly.

We want this channel to be a relief from the stress of everyday life, for you, and a place where folks can relax and hang out with us as a respite from the worries of the world.

We hope we have already been able to somewhat accomplish this goal far.

Your generous support to help us work hard to build up this channel is so valuable to us. We respect and honor your hard-earned dollars so much, and we want you to know that we are putting in as much time as we can per-week to this channel, and plan to increase our output as support for this page grows.

Here are our primary goals for this channel for the immediate future:

1. Release movie reactions twice a month.

2. Increase our Breaking Bad reactions to two episodes weekly.

3. Add one more show/game to our regular rotation of reactions/playthroughs.

4. Receive enough support to hire an editor, which will enable us to consistently do all things mentioned above and more.

So, for now, this is where all of your support is going.

Thank you all for hanging with us and for joining us on this journey. We are excited to see where it goes! We hope that his message provides some clarity and vision for you all who have generously signed up to become patrons.

Please comment below any questions or concerns you may have. We welcome your active involvement, participation, and influence in this process.

Blessings to you all!

- Kailyn + Eric
