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Feel free to message us directly if you have any questions or concerns. We plan on releasing new Breaking Bad reactions on Fridays! Cheers and best from K+E :)



Oh, I wish you'd release more Breaking Bad in a week. I'm only here for that. I love Kailyn's science background - But $5 for 4 reactions...disappointing. It's going to take a year and three months to get through it. That will cost me $77. I will have to contemplate this. Maybe better to just wait for them to come out on Youtube.


as mentioned in comments above, really any contribution toward the channel is going straight into the efforts to be able to do more videos as often as possible. it's our goal to do more breaking bad episodes per week... we have very limited extra time and our immediate goal is earning enough through the channel to hire an editor. if it becomes counter-productive for us to publish only one video per week, then maybe we can try to do more... but really not sure that we could swing it that often yet. each video takes quite a bit of time to complete. but it seems popular opinion is swaying that way, we're getting requested that a lot on patreon and youtube.


Two would be fair considering you have lives!


thanks for sharing your thoughts. we keep hearing 2 a week might be better so we'll talk and look at our schedule to see if we could do it. thanks again :)