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Better Call Saul 1x4 REACTION [Early Access]



Closer the show gets to the Breaking Bad timeline the darker it gets. I haven’t seen the beginning seasons of the show in a long time, definitely much lighter.

Francesca Langer

Jimmy is extremely intelligent but in a very different way from Walt. Walt was a chemistry genius, but Jimmy is highly verbally and socially intelligent. He is very empathetic and good at reading people. He is very creative and quick thinking. And you can tell from the way he talks that he has a broad range of cultural knowledge both "high" and "low" ie. he will make silly movie references and in the same breath reference the classics or history or use a bit of legal Latin lol. Jimmy is a classic western archetype, just like the characters in Breaking Bad; He's the snaekeoil salesman/ flim flam man, the self-taught, omnivorous polymath. You will see this more over the course of the series, but Jimmy is even smarter than Walt in certain ways.

Michael Sharpe

You get a black and white intro to the Cinnabon manager after breaking bad in the first episode of each season

RJ Byrd

It's so wild how both Bob Odenkirk and Catherine Tate have been in The Office. Tate co-starred in another favorite show of mine, one which I think the two of you would have fun reacting to: Doctor Who. She comes in when the show was under the creative vision of showrunner Russel Davies, from 2005 to 2010. If it ever polls good, those years would be perfect bookends for a watch-along that doesn't last forever, as the show is still currently running.