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Swindle: As the new year ends, we now enter the season of LOVE in February. So this month was a bit of a mixed bag in terms of growth. We DID actually break $2100 bringing us so close to our Story Goal but then in the latter half of the month a lot of $10/$15 patrons left as well or let their pledges decline this occurred in other tiers as well, which left us at $2,052 due to others still joining as well, which technically IS still growth from last month but still is mildly deflating when number go down. 

So to any free, former or current patrons that might be reading this, i just want to remind you that in order for the two of us to be able to focus on original comic ideas, we need any and all prospective patrons to please consider using the tiers they find affordable so that they can stay CONSISTENTLY at, so we can keep growing and stay stable, because the more non-commission tier patrons we receive, the less we depend on our higher tiers to keep the lights on which means more original comics for all of you! 

As you can see above we are getting closer and closer to the first of one of our big goals so I implore each and every one of you to stick with us or recommend us to people you think will enjoy us, or even upgrade yourself if you so wish and i promise you won't be disappointed by what we have in store! Including the written version of Extreme Trick or Treating & Rule of Beasts as well as other unreleased stories and scripts!

And a message for our "free" Members; as that's a feature patreon has instituted. If you could be so kind as to support us at even the lowest tiers of 3 or 5 Dollars in order to get early access to art or the WIPs, it would go SO far in supporting us and making sure we can more consistently focus on the comics we know you love. So please consider pledging whatever you feel most comfortable with, even if simply to help us grow

Business Time: We are right in the middle of doing up to page 20 of The Opposite of War which will be treated as a part one of the story, Because part 2 will focus entirely on the lewd goings on between Kikimore and Hunter! And the reason we are doing this is Because we have a special project that we have kept in the wings for a long time and are confident you will ALL enjoy that will be revealed the day after posting page 20 of TOW. And without spoiling too early, this comic has the potential of the fastest production time for each page, without sacrificing quality or our usual big page counts. Trust me, you have a LOT to look forward to.

As a reminder due to Patreon taking down goals, the current goals are:

$2200: Will be able to release Written Stories of our future comics or ideas that we have.

$3300: Will be able to occasionally hire sketch artists to help production of comics along.

$4500 : Will be able to consistently hire sketch/line artists to help make multiple comics and expand into other media such as comic dubs with voice acting

See pictures above for reference in distance to goals.

Unknowingest: I’m ecstatic to be working on the comic again. Lewd comics are my passion, and I feel like working on such large scale projects really helps me improve my craft. I recently came to have a little more free time than I used to, and I’m almost fully recovered from my cold, so I plan on taking some of that free time to actively study art again. I’m so grateful that you all like the quality of my art well enough to stick around, but the quest for perfection is never-ending (and ultimately futile, but never fruitless). Thank you all for your patronage.

We here at Quartz Kings Comics are eternally thankful for our loyal and long staying Patrons, Be sure to spread the word and spread the links far and wide and we welcome any and all support with open arms!



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