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Swindle: Happy New Year Everyone! December was crazy with all the Comms, all the Christmas Shenanigans and Gifts, and me getting MISERABLY sick and also having to reset my work computer all right at the tail end of the year. Despite all that, this was a REALLY good growth month as even with some regulars having to pull out until they can come back, we are standing at about $2,005! that means were are only NINE PERCENT Away from out first BIG goal of $2200. It's crazy to think where we were at this exact point only ONE year ago. So thank you to every. single. patron. That has stuck with us this whole time and even those that are brand new.

With each month we get closer and closer to making this fully sustainable, so I implore each and every one of you to stick with us or recommend us to people you think will enjoy us, or even upgrade yourself if you so wish and I promise you won't be disappointed by what we have in store! Including the written version of Extreme Trick or Treating & Rule of Beasts!

And a message for our "free" Members; as that's a new feature patreon has instituted. If you could be so kind as to support us at even the lowest tiers of 3 or 5 Dollars in order to get early access to art or the WIPs, it would go SO far in supporting us and making sure we can more consistently focus on the comics we know you love. So please consider pledging whatever you feel most comfortable with, even if simply to help us grow

Business Time: As we near the end of our Comms Cycle down to our last two patrons which should go by relatively quickly, we plan to return in full force to The Opposite of War to continue following Hunter's sensuous spywork! and in a very interesting development, after we finish this specific comic cycle and reach a stopping point and finish another comms cycle. We will be starting and completing a NEW COMIC. Which is ENTIRELY SKETCHED OUT. So the progress and wait for it will be much faster than ever before. What this new comic is shall be announced at the end of this comic cycle. So watch closely ;).

As a reminder due to Patreon taking down goals, the current goals are:

$2200: Will be able to release Written Stories of our future comics or ideas that we have.

$3300: Will be able to occasionally hire sketch artists to help production of comics along.

$4500 : Will be able to consistently hire sketch/line artists to help make multiple comics and expand into other media such as comic dubs with voice acting

(See pictures above for reference in distance to goals.)

Unknowingest: The holidays are a tough time for me, and for everyone, but I got to spend some of it with my family, and that has made all the difference. Thank you all so much for your support. I’m looking forward to a great year.

We here at Quartz Kings Comics are eternally thankful for our loyal and long staying Patrons. Be sure to spread the word and spread the links far and wide. We welcome any and all support with open arms!



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