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Swindle: As everyone's belly is full of Turkey and the Temperatures drop even further we gotta get ready for ol' Saint Nick! The Patron Saint of Prostitutes! (No Joke, Look it up.) The Season of Giving is here! November was a little bit back and forth with people leavign but then new people taking their places and a couple regulars leaving but it WAS a growth month as we are standing at about $1868!

With each month we get closer and closer to our first BIG goal of $2200, so I implore each and every one of you to stick with us or recommend us to people you think will enjoy us, or even upgrade yourself if you so wish and i promise you won't be disappointed by what we have in store! Including the written version of Extreme Trick or Treating & Rule of Beasts!

And a message for our "free" Members; as thats a new feature patreon has instituted. If you could be so kind to support us at even the lowest tiers of 3 or 5 Dollars in order to get early access to art or the WIPs, it would go SO far in supporting us and making sure we can more consistently focus on the comics we know you love. So please consider pledging whatever you feel most comfortable with, even if simply to help us grow

Business Time: As there were some IRL events in November that were time vampires, we have finished all the sketching and words for page 12 of The Opposite of War but starting today December 1st we will be focusing on Commissions for our Golds, Diamonds, and Platinums! We should have them all sorted out. and if not we will get in contact with you! As well as any patrons that may want to upgrade!

As a reminder due to Patreon taking down goals, the current goals are:

$2200: Will be able to release Written Stories of our future comics or ideas that we have.

$3300: Will be able to occasionally hire sketch artists to help production of comics along.

$4500 : Will be able to consistently hire sketch/line artists to help make multiple comics and expand into other media such as comic dubs with voice acting

(See pictures above for reference in distance to goals.)

Unknowingest: This last month and a half has kicked my ass. I try not to be a fountain of negativity here even if that sometimes feels like my truth, so I'll just say that some things in my life are better, but I'll be glad when December is over, as i can be just a bit of a Scrooge. Bah, humbug.

These last couple pages of TOW I've been trying to experiment in little ways, just trying to push my limits and trying to make sure I learn new skills and never stagnate, and I hope we can deliver some good stuff in December as well. Thank you all for sticking with me through the hard times.

We here at Quartz Kings Comics are eternally thankful for our loyal and long staying Patrons, Be sure to spread the word and spread the links far and wide and we welcome any and all support with open arms!



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